Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


July 28th, 2017


Network: Little Man's night out?

Who: Cho + OPEN
When: 7/28/09; lunch
What: Cho is considering dinner out...
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public
I'm considering taking Little Man out to dinner tonight... Anyone want to meet up with us? I'm in the office till 4 so it will be an early dinner around 5, most likely at V-Bar...

Delivery: Just Because

Who: Cormac + Lavender
When: 7/28/09; afternoon
What: Because my wife is the best.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
Delivery to Lavender McLaggen at the DMLE with the following note:
Because you are the best there's ever been
and this was the best birthday I've ever had.

RP: Wine. I need wine.

Who: Romilda + Open
When: Friday night, 7/28/09
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: Romi has had a day... a week... a month... a year.
Warnings: TBD

She didn't even bother looking cute. )



Network: Advice, please?

Who: Adrian, Pansy, Terence, Marcus, Draco
When: Friday afternoon, 7/28/09
What: Adrian needs some... advice... he thinks.
Warnings: TBD
Public/Private: Private
MM to Pansy 4pm: You and Mills are the only women I'm close to in the world and she's still unavailable so you're my only hope...
MM to Terence 4:01pm: Has Silviya seemed... off... since Cho Quigley had her baby?
MM to Marcus 4:02pm: I think I may have fucked something up with Ali but I have no clue what.
MM to Draco 4:03pm: Hey, thank your mum for helping me with the shop, yeah? I sent chocolates with a thank you note but it never helps to be overly grateful.
MM to Draco 4:04pm: Do you have a minute?



RP: Chasing Pavements?

Who: Eleanor and Gaspard
When: 28. July 2009, evening
Where: V-Bar
What: It’s been more than two weeks since Gaspard left and Eleanor needs to get out of her head and her flat
Warnings: TBD

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