Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


April 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Oliver and Alicia
When: Very early Wednesday morning, April 26th
Where: Alicia and Adrian's​ residence
What: Oliver needs company
Warnings: None. Cute friendly fluff.

Oliver didn't want to be alone right now. )



Network: MM to Tracey Davis

Who: Penelope & Tracey
When: 26. April 2009 - backdated
What: Message to Tracey
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private

MM to T. Davis 7:15am: Tracey, please set up a meeting with Logan Wood in my office ASAP while keeping the filming schedule in mind.



RP: Logan and Penelope

Who: Logan and Penelope
When: 27. April 2009 2pm
Where: Penelope’s office
What: Logan’s in trouble
Warnings: Potential language?

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