Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


February 18th, 2017



Network: A Sunrise

Who: Lexa and whoever
What: photography!
When: Saturday, early morning. Feb. 18th
Rating: Low
Public/Private: Public

Merlin, getting up before the sun is the equivalent of self torture.

But it makes for some gorgeous pictures )



Network: I think I'm supposed to get married...

Who: Angie and Company
What: Uh... oops
When: Saturday, Feb 18th
Rating: Low
Public/Private: Public

So, it sort of just occurred to me that I'm supposed to be getting married sometime soon. Like a week or something? I am so good at planning, if you can't tell. But honestly, sitting on the couch and eating ice cream while watching exercise videos but not actually doing said exercise is friggen exhausting, okay?

Katie and Alicia, wanna come over and pretend to plan things with me? Because let's be honest, this is just going to be a giant mess that we throw together the night before but still all have the best time. I'm thinking doves. And lilies. And pizza.

That last part is the most important.
Nothing in my head makes sense. Halp.

Also remember to place your bets on the Johnson/Weasley spawn's gender. Because we know, and we all know you wanna know, but we're a betting family, you hear?




Who: Dora, Nora, Alicia, Persephone
When: Saturday February 18
What: Messages!
Warnings: TBD, probably language?
Public/Private: Private

MM to Nora 3:16pm: Nora I need a drink I swear

MM to Alicia 4:40pm: I think I need an appointment this week

MM to Persy 6:02pm: Do you want to spend some time together tomorrow/soon?
MM to Persy 6:03pm: I'll try not to completely freak out on you this time.
MM to Persy 6:03pm: Honestly can't promise though.

MM to Alec 6:30pm: is it possible for your head to explode from the sheer amount of stuff going on in it?