Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


January 4th, 2017



Network: MM to George

Who: Terence, George, and an implied Angelina!!
When: January 4th, 2009 (morning, after Puddlemere practice)
What: Angie got hurt just a teensy bit
Warnings: None!
Public/Private: Private

MM to George 11:03am: Heeey Georgie
MM to George 11:06am: Your wifey-to-be took a bludger to her elbow at practice and sooo, seeing as she's not allowed to use her arm for the next few hours on strictest orders from our mediwitch, I'm the lucky one that's been tasked with letting you know that she'll be back a bit later today than expected...
MM to George 11:08am: Why she thought I was the right man for the job, your guess is as good as mine, especially since she keeps glaring over at me



RP: Elbow, spleen, toenail... doesn't matter what's hurt!

Who: Angelina and George
When: January 4, 2009
Where: Puddlemere medical room
What: George rushes to Angie's side, cause he does that!
Warnings: language and other things

So what happened?? )



Network: FideJournal: Christmas Decorations

Who: Pansy Parkinson
When: January 4th, 2009
What: Christmas is over
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public

picture under the cut )

Goodbye, Christmas decorations. See you again in December. xxx

Network: I need (both of) my best friend(s).

Who: Harry & Hermione
When: 1/4/08; evening
What: Harry's worried.
Warnings: Language?
Public/Private: Private
MM to 'Mione 7:42pm: Hey, can we talk? Soon?



Network: MM to Adrian

Who: Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey
When: January 4th, 2009
What: Marcus is reading those books
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private (but let's be honest, Adi will gossip with Ali)

MM to Adrian Pucey 17.47pm: Reading chapter 1 & trying 2 work out why being a teenager for 100 yrs is a selling point.



Network: MM to Ron

Who: Hermione & Ron
When: January 4th, 2009 (evening, after this)
What: It's happening.
Warnings: ....... probably language.
Public/Private: Private
MM to Ron 8:07pm: Ronald.