July 2010



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August 10th, 2009

[info]vas_captio_mod in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Management Thread: 1:00PM, Clock Tower

Who: The Management and OTA
What: Survey collection and funtimes
Where: Clock Tower
When: 1:00 PM
Rating: Well, that would depend on who shows up
Status: CLOSED. Catch the next one, kiddies!

Come one, come all... )

[info]fromgallifrey in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day 18: 9:32 AM

Who: John Smith and Rose Tyler
Where: In town, nearest landmark: the Theatre
When: Day 18: 9:32AM
What:  Being obscure
Rating: G, PG perhaps

Status: Active

[info]fromgallifrey in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Who: John Smith and Captain Jack
What: Reconcilliation
Where: The Museum
When: Day 18, 10:14 AM
Rating: PG

Status: Active

[info]ace_of_clubs in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Who: Remy LeBeau & The (Tenth) Doctor
Where: The Carnival
When: Day 18: 1:15PM
What:  Remy's looking for his lost Doctor
Rating: R. Oh yes. R.
Status: Complete

[info]skipped3rdgrade in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day 18, 10:21 AM

Who: Lexie Grey and OTA
What: Wandering around in a big, yellow rain coat
Where: In town, nearest landmark the Pharmacy
When: Day 18, 10:21 AM
Rating: It's Lexie, PG is probably safe

Status: Active

[info]brain_ninja in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Who: Andy Gallagher and OTA
What: Looking for Sam
Where: Outside the museum
When: Day 18, 12:45 PM
Rating: PG-13 probably
Status: Active

'Hello? Anybody home?' )

[info]heartache in [info]vas_captio_rpg

who; rorschach & merope
where; near the clock tower
why; the whole 'SHE IS ALIVE.' thing.
when; 2pm.

Merope spent some time on the grass, sleeping away most of the morning as she usually slept a little before and some after Rorschach did. Today was different as she had food and a good night's rest on a soft mattress, she even wrote in her journal and got comments from him about her being dead. It wasn't good enough to talk to him in journals, she wanted to see him again as they hadn't talked in person for what seemed like days since their sexual romp.

Shifting on her violet sweater over her body, she left and went on the search for Rorschach very slowly. When her eyes spotted the ginger-haired, masking wearing, anti-hero she moved a slight bit faster and approached him from behind. Lithe stems for arms circled his waist and she pressed her frame against his back,"....Walter?" She whispered, testing it out. If he did something to apprehend her on accident, she wouldn't be surprised.