Under the Rainbow - Logs community - November 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 3rd, 2008

[Nov. 3rd, 2008|02:00 pm]


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Who: Aphrodite and Jean Grey
What: Tea.
When: Backdated to Friday, around 4PM, before the crazy.
Where: The King's Teagarden in Berlin
Warnings: Only if you've got a phobia of tea.

tea for two, and two for tea.... )
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|02:18 pm]


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WHO: Dean/Bela
WHAT: Dean coming to check on his woman
WHERE: Chez Winchester
WHEN: Right after Bela's main-comm post
WARNINGS: Don't think so, will edit if it changes.

The window had shattered right on top of Bela with aim bordering on the possessed; were she conscious, she might have said that the thing on the other side of the salt line had broken it at exactly the point where one of the beams constructing the window would hit her in the head. However, Bela was unconscious, lying in a heap amidst a pile of broken glass and wood. Whatever had broken the window was nearby - noises could be heard - but the salt line at the window was holding fast.
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|07:03 pm]


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Who: Cable, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Domino, Alex Summers, Lorna Summers, and Belladonna Rogan
What: Scott's retrieval and Dinner
Where: Genosha
When: Tonight
Warnings: No doubt, swearing at the least.

One night in Genosha makes a hard man humble... )
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|07:12 pm]
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Who: Erik and Joanne
Where: His mansion
When: Monday evening
Why: Erik's a werewolf for now.
Rating: Duh.  Aggressive sex ftw.

A werewolf.  Of all things, he got bitten by a werewolf.  He'd managed to figure out how to shift at will so he wasn't stuck in the form of what he called a large salivating mongrel, but it still made things difficult for him.  He couldn't go to the office this way, and as if hiding himself away wasn't bad enough, he found other aspects annoying.  Like the fact he could smell everything even if it was very faint or far away.  And he craved the taste of blood.

Then there was the fact he was keenly aware of Joanne's every move to the point he felt like he was stalking her.  That's how she'd probably find him.  Sniffing the air and following her scent until he'd found her wherever in the house.
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|09:49 pm]
Who: Carrie and Firefly
What: Zombies attack the Halloween parade
When: Backdated to Halloween
Warnings: Violence, that's all.

The parade had just ended.  In Firefly's opinion, it had been one of the best she'd ever seen- music, floats, people in costumes, people in costumes on the floats giving out free candy! She was familiar with Halloween and parades, but she'd never been exposed to this many people celebrating a holiday before.  It was breathtaking.  The sun was starting to go down, and she was starting to feel a slight chill through her fairy princess dress.  A lot of people had mistook her for an angel with her feathered wings, but that was okay.

The parade was over, but people were still screaming...
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|09:52 pm]
Who: Draegan, Kris, and Ilya
What/Where/When: Vampire Attack at the stables this weekend
Warnings: Vampirism. Violence.

Draegan's interest in horses was not well known. He didn't care for the blood of the beasts, he prefered human blood over any other, and tried not to resort to animal blood at all. Horses, in Draegan's opinion, were too regal to be food. He rather enjoyed the sport of horse racing, and had made quite a fortune for himself in betting on the bigger events. He lacked the patience to keep horses of his own, and found it just as satisfying to visit a stable when the desire stuck him.

He was currently at Kirkland Farms, just outside of Oakland. He had no sinister plans, but to familiarise himself with the horses. He had chosen one, a handsome chestnut steed, to lavish his attention on. He stroked the beast's massive head while clicking his tongue. His other hand offered a sugar cube to win the animal's affections. "That's a good boy," Draegan murmured, his voice nearly a purr.
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|11:18 pm]


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Who: Alexia Winters and Petit LeBeau
What: Lunch!
Where: Prague. Because.
When: Sometime that isn't usually associated with Lunch.
Warnings: Swearing, probable snark. Not much other than that, I'd imagine.

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