Under the Rainbow - Logs community - October 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 24th, 2008

[Oct. 24th, 2008|12:16 am]
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Who: Torii & Soren
Where: Turner-Brennan Household and perhaps elsewhere
When: Now-ish
Warnings: er... rampant giggling perhaps.

For once Brenda hadn't had to call anyone to come rescue her from Torii's coffee buzz, Torii had done it herself. Though if the message she left was anything more understandable than: "SORENSORENSORENSORENSORENGUESSWHAT!" followed by manic giggling was anyone's guess.

He could probably figure it out though, living with Cass and all.
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|01:12 am]
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Who: Toki and Stephanie
Where: minigolf... somewhere
When: now-ish
Warnings: Tooth-hurty sweetness and possible some drunken hijinks. If anything else comes up I'll be sure and let you know.

It hadn't taken Stephane long at all to find a place that had all-night minigolf, and it had taken her less time to convince Toki to go with her. Really that was the easiest part. She beamed at the cashier when she was given a hot pink ball, already practically bouncing, it had been a down week for her, but things were definitely starting to look up.

"So, do we want to take the left side that's liiike a walk through history first? Or the right side that's all about geometric designs and kind of makes me dizzy just looking at it?"
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|02:42 pm]
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Who: Darius and Emma
What: Coming home
Where: England, Emma's place
When: Early in afternoon

Darius trudged up to the door, more tired than he'd thought possible. The night's sleep had been much needed, and he was glad that Emma had offered it.

Despite all the trauma, it was nice to be back. He still wasn't sure how he should feel about Emma, but since she obviously cared for him, and his mother wasn't there, he saw no reason not to think of her as such.

He searched his pockets, and realized he didn't have his keys with him. Sighing, he knocked on the door.
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|05:50 pm]


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Who: Ed and Mia
What: spending some time together
When: Recently
Where: Starts in London

Mia had been extremely worried about Ed. Losing friends and loved ones was hard enough for an adult, but for Ed to have lost both of her father figures, she'd withdrawn. Mia had tried to be there and be at the Bebop for the teenager as much as she could. Now that Ed was speaking and attending school again, they'd set up some bonding time. She was now in her car in front of Taunton, waiting for Ed to come out. But the worry about her friend and little sister figure hadn't completely gone away.
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|06:09 pm]
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Who: Wanda, Pietro and Dominic
What: Telling Dom that she might be pregnant
When: Today
Where: Their house
Warnings: TBD

Wanda wasn't quite sure that she could do this. Any of it really, from telling Dominic, to going to the doctors to actually having a baby. What was she doing? Every time she had a kid, things seemed to go downhill. Sure, she would be ecstatic, she wanted her children back more then anything but she was petrified. She should have just told them both together. This might have been too much for her to handle.

Either way she was waiting for both Pietro and Dom to come find her so that she could get this over with. Then she'd get to go to the doctors and figure this thing out. She was quite glad she had them both, but it still scared her. She was sitting in the kitchen, drinking milk and waiting for both of them.
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|09:12 pm]

Who: Elaine and Shigure
What: having tea, ogling the people
Where: Japan
When: Earlier today
Warnings: flirting, dirty old men

Elaine staggered away from the portkey, her eyes going wide as she looked around. It was so different here from the suburb she'd been living in.

People were a lot busier, and it made her a little afraid. She looked for Shigure, nervously.
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|10:27 pm]
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Who: Bruce and Carrie
Where: Carrie's apartment
Warnings: Very possibly some yelling and cursing.

That I my thoughts may dim )
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