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[Apr. 21st, 2009|12:28 am]

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Who. Pietro and Wanda
What. Traveling and things
When. Backdated to right after this
Warnings. Twincest is always possible

And when I'm tired and weary and a long way from home, I just reach for mother Mary and I shall not walk alone. )
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|06:09 pm]
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Who: Wanda, Pietro and Dominic
What: Telling Dom that she might be pregnant
When: Today
Where: Their house
Warnings: TBD

Wanda wasn't quite sure that she could do this. Any of it really, from telling Dominic, to going to the doctors to actually having a baby. What was she doing? Every time she had a kid, things seemed to go downhill. Sure, she would be ecstatic, she wanted her children back more then anything but she was petrified. She should have just told them both together. This might have been too much for her to handle.

Either way she was waiting for both Pietro and Dom to come find her so that she could get this over with. Then she'd get to go to the doctors and figure this thing out. She was quite glad she had them both, but it still scared her. She was sitting in the kitchen, drinking milk and waiting for both of them.
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[Feb. 29th, 2008|03:08 pm]
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Who: Wanda Maximoff and Dominic Petros
What: Questions and answers
Where: the Maximoff house
When: Today
warnings: TBA

Wanda was going through the house, trying to find Dominic. It wasn't any surprise to find him asleep of course. He was always asleep. She really didn't get how someone could actually sleep that much. It was probably unhealthy. But then she supposed she kept both men awake fairly often. Oh well.

She went over next to him and gave him a small nudge, wondering how much it was going to take to wake him up.
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[Jan. 19th, 2008|10:26 pm]

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who. Pietro, Dom, Wanda, Dark Vision
where. Vision's evil getaway of torture/rape
when. Today
warnings. Graphic violence, if Pietro gets his way

Saving Wanda )
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|09:40 pm]
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Who: Wanda Maximoff and Vision
What: Getting kidnapped
When: Tonight
Where: Out on the street somewhere
Warnings: NC-17; violence, torture, rape.

Wanda had been out, doing some shopping or whatever it was that she did when no one was home. Her powers had gone away a couple of days ago and she hadn't said anything at all. There didn't seem to be a need, it wasn't like she used her powers much at all anymore. And she definitely had no idea that her ex husband was actually around and had been following her. Maybe if she had her powers, she would have known.

She walked along the sidewalk, getting to the car that Dom had made for her.
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