Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 19th, 2008

[Jan. 19th, 2008|06:54 pm]


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Who: Belle and Gilbert
Where: Belle's apartment
What: Pizza, movie, and bed
When: lateish
Rating: NC-17

Belle had her place cleaned up, and was waiting impatiently for him to arrive. She'd ordered pizza, figuring that it was a pretty good bet he would like it, and had a bottle of wine and various sodas on hand, depending on how his tastes ran. She'd left it up to him to pick the movie, since she'd ordered the food.

Perfect. There were blankets and pillows on the couch, and her bedroom was clean and ready for use. Now all she needed was her companion.
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[Jan. 19th, 2008|08:52 pm]
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who Hamish and Old!Gabe
When Backdated to when Gabe first became old!gabe. Wednesday, was it?
Where Hamish's place in New York, aka Harley's apartments
what Old!Gabe appears and Hamish is surprised the guy he was digging is now like 80.

Looking at the journals, Hamish blinked a few times and shook his head. This was insane. He had not even that morning thought how this place wasn't so bad, it wasn't so weird, once you settled and now the guy he was considering asking over to dinner and then perhaps more with...was a senior citizen. That was weird. Not being able to deny it, Hamish still wanted to see it in person, and so he planned to get Riley to bed, make sure she was asleep and have Gabe came over. Maybe it was a trick, or a joke or something. Hamish didn't get it if it was a joke, but still.

So, he sat on the couch, Riley sound asleep, and waited for Gabe's knock, and wandered what would be on the other side when it did come.
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[Jan. 19th, 2008|09:24 pm]


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who. Rachel Grey and Rose Frost
what. Fighting
when. Tonight
where. England

I'll make it hurt )
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[Jan. 19th, 2008|10:26 pm]


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who. Pietro, Dom, Wanda, Dark Vision
where. Vision's evil getaway of torture/rape
when. Today
warnings. Graphic violence, if Pietro gets his way

Saving Wanda )
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