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[Jan. 19th, 2008|10:26 pm]

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who. Pietro, Dom, Wanda, Dark Vision
where. Vision's evil getaway of torture/rape
when. Today
warnings. Graphic violence, if Pietro gets his way

Saving Wanda )
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|09:40 pm]
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Who: Wanda Maximoff and Vision
What: Getting kidnapped
When: Tonight
Where: Out on the street somewhere
Warnings: NC-17; violence, torture, rape.

Wanda had been out, doing some shopping or whatever it was that she did when no one was home. Her powers had gone away a couple of days ago and she hadn't said anything at all. There didn't seem to be a need, it wasn't like she used her powers much at all anymore. And she definitely had no idea that her ex husband was actually around and had been following her. Maybe if she had her powers, she would have known.

She walked along the sidewalk, getting to the car that Dom had made for her.
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