Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 18th, 2008

[Jan. 18th, 2008|01:34 am]


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Who: Starfire and Robin
What: Stuff. Sexy stuff.
Warnings: Sexy stuff! Penises, vaginas, boobies.

Holy oral sex, Batman! )
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|02:18 pm]
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Who: Pietro You-Banged-My-Sister Maximoff and Dominic I-Banged-Your-Sister Petros
When: Now
Where: Pietro's house
Warning: Unknown? You can never tell with these two.

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[Jan. 18th, 2008|05:31 pm]


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Who: Lorna and Pulse
Where: The campus of NYU
What: New powers and a daring rescue
Rating: NC-17 for sexxorz

This was not how Lorna had thought the day would end. After frying the library's computers, she'd gone for a walk. But things had been following her. Just random things, really.

All of them metal, or at least effected by magnetism.

She tried to outrun them, fear adding to anger. But the more emotional she got, the worse the problem became.

Luckily, things stopped about a foot away from her. But they stayed there. Lots of things that were, by themselves, small, became something very large quickly.

It wasn't long at all before she was encased in metal.

Which only made her curl up in a fetal position in the middle, crying in fear and confusion.
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|09:00 pm]


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Who: Tesla and Reese.
When: Some time today.
Where: His place.
Warnings: Cute puppy love-ish elements? Touchy-feelies. Sex between a minor and a non-minor. But it's legal, so it's all good. Some smut.

Figuring out the porkeys had certainly proved to be one thing. Finding her way through New York was another. She wondered if Shawn had noticed she was gone yet, or what he'd do when he did? She pushed the thought aside, for now, it didn't matter. She was drawn to meet Reese at any cost. It wasn't like she was young enough for a spanking anyway. After getting help from about three strangers she found the school Reese had identified as his. She found his and Mark's room with another person's help, and after running to the girl's room to double check the way she looked, she knocked on the door, swallowing past the nervous lump in her throat.
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timed to before Belle found out about Remy (somehow) [Jan. 18th, 2008|09:03 pm]


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Who: Belle and Jonas
Where: New York, somewhere
What: drinking!
When: nighttime
Rating: TBA

Belle staggered when she appeared, blinking around at her surroundings. It was definitely New York. And it was definitely cold. She swore mildly in Creole, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

At least her hands were warm while she lit it.
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|09:40 pm]
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Who: Wanda Maximoff and Vision
What: Getting kidnapped
When: Tonight
Where: Out on the street somewhere
Warnings: NC-17; violence, torture, rape.

Wanda had been out, doing some shopping or whatever it was that she did when no one was home. Her powers had gone away a couple of days ago and she hadn't said anything at all. There didn't seem to be a need, it wasn't like she used her powers much at all anymore. And she definitely had no idea that her ex husband was actually around and had been following her. Maybe if she had her powers, she would have known.

She walked along the sidewalk, getting to the car that Dom had made for her.
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|09:53 pm]
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Who: Michael and Del. There will sort of be two cameos, but not really. You'll see.
When: Tonight-ish.
Where: His hotel room. And briefly Azathoth's daemon-court at the center of everything, but only in memory. So technically just his hotel room.
Warnings: Hmm...not sure how horrible I'm going to describe Azathoth's place. So, potentially, warnings for that. Actually probably warnings for that.

Space...not quite the final frontier, after all. )
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|10:43 pm]
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Who: Rebecca, family, and anyone else who wants to drop in + mentions of Sekhmet
What: The birth of her daughter
When: Saturday January 19th
Where: George's mansion

Setting her phone aside, Rebecca had called one of the maids and kindly asked her to get George and Wilson. Of course, Eddie was the first one up the stairs, grinning like and idiot. It wasn't long before George and Wilson followed. Explaining to them what was going to happen, they seemed a bit hesitant but she assured them all would be fine. Plus, it was like Sekhmet said...messing with her would be a stupid idea, since God wouldn't exactly be happy if something happened to Rebecca or her child.

Sekhmet appeared when called and held up her side of the deal. It was a relatively easy birth, though Rebecca was exhausted afterward anyway, holding her little baby girl in her arms after she had been cleaned up and wrapped in a soft pink blanket.

"Hello." She whispered ever so softly as the little child made a noise, eyes barely opening.
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[Jan. 18th, 2008|11:53 pm]


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who. Rose Frost and Jonas Joseph Jane
what. A bit of torture to settle her into the past
when. Tonight
where. London

Something ugly this way comes... )
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