Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 20th, 2008

[Jan. 20th, 2008|02:36 am]


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who. Harry and James Potter
what. Father-son bonding. Over women-folk.
where. Harry's flat
why. I would like to take a break from the torture porn!

If nothing else, James figured they could bitch and moan about their lives over a pint... )
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|11:00 am]
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Who: Rose Frost and Kon -El
Where: A club then elsewhere
When: Evening
What: Dancing, Evil, and possibly fun.
Warnings: Nudity, and evil, and who knows.

Kon was having fun! )
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|01:01 pm]


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Who: Belle and Porthos
Where: Her apartment
What: Sexin'
When: in the afternoon, most likely.

Belle had spent the previous night engaged in various activities. Some quite pleasant, and some not as much.

She'd finally gotten enough sleep, and was just padding out to her kitchen to think about breakfast.

The planned meeting with Porthos had utterly slipped her mind.

Mmmmm, coffee.
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|01:59 pm]
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Who: Delirium and Inspira/Muse
What: Mutual comfort- something like that.
When: Tonight, dusk
Where: An Outdoor Theatre of Muse's choice
Warnings: I'll keep you posted

Delirium found herself drawn to the spot Inspira mentioned, in the middle of twilight. Feet dangling from a treebranch, swinging in 3/4 time, she glanced up at the stars, idly musing after her brother. Her friends. Things she had messed up, lately.

Delirium had been in a bad way, ever since her visit with Mikey to Azathoth's realm, and she was hoping a visit with Inspira would help knock her out of her funk. These moods never lasted terribly long, for her- but the sooner she could be done with it, the better.
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|09:21 pm]
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Who: Booth and Brennan
What: Becoming More Than 'Partners'
When: Saturday Night
Where: Their Apartment
Warnings: Bones is Naked. That Should Be Enough

It's About Time )
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|10:29 pm]
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Who: House, Ray, possibly Orlinda later?
What: Watching Paint dry- do you really have to ask?
When: Tonight, after Greg regains his mortal coil. Or something equally witty.
Warnings: Swearing. Smarm, and then likely smut.

After his rather rude awakening from his nap, once again one leg lighter, Greg had taken to lounging around in his- their- bed, playing away on his guitar. With no daughters around to disturb, he didn't bother turning the amp down, letting himself get lost in the music.

After a while, he got sick of answering messages, tossing his sidekick off to the side. If Ray wanted something, he'd have to do it the old fashioned way.
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