Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - April 28th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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April 28th, 2011

[Apr. 28th, 2011|11:02 am]

Less than two months...
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[Apr. 28th, 2011|02:47 pm]


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I know the monsters are gone, but every time I hear a weird noise outside, I... kinda can't help screaming like a girl and hiding behind the sofa. Which is apparently how I used to react to the Daleks in Doctor Who.

It's manly girly screaming. You know, the kind that inspires courage and gentle mockery.
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[Apr. 28th, 2011|10:15 pm]

Has anyone seen my girlfriend? Blonde, spunky, perfect ass, prone to hitting people?
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