Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - April 27th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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April 27th, 2011

[Apr. 27th, 2011|11:02 am]


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[Apr. 27th, 2011|02:46 pm]


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Cal )
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[Apr. 27th, 2011|04:37 pm]
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Well, damn. Flemeth is gone. She was really nice, both as a woman and a dragon. She made great dinners too. But at least I was able to help her with something important she needed assistance with, even left her a gift before she left.. wherever she went to or whatever happened.

I know there's some other people I knew here that are gone too. Good friends. Some who had been here almost as long as I have. Sometimes this place sucks. I think I need to go out. Do something. Just.. drink or something. Anything.
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[Apr. 27th, 2011|07:56 pm]
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Lilo's family )
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[Apr. 27th, 2011|08:26 pm]
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Um, I know this isn't really as important as the fact that he's just like, not here anymore, but Maison or Cass or someone, did Brendy ever like, write down the fact that he offered me a job? Because if he didn't, well, I'm gonna graduate without a job and that's a big fucking problem for a culinary grad.
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[Apr. 27th, 2011|09:16 pm]


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How do you know when you're in labor?
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[Apr. 27th, 2011|09:31 pm]
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I never had any idea that there were such things as houses that floated, but this is a start. I present my brand new houseboat. It's in the harbor at Nassau for now. You're all invited to take the tour. One of you in particular.
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