June 2014



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Jun. 13th, 2014


Who: Angelina Johnson, Lisa Turpin
When: 14th June 2003, Lunch Shift
Where: World's End Pub
What: Angelina's training/first shift
Rating: Should be worksafe
Open/Closed: Open

Most comfortable shoes required )

Apr. 20th, 2014


RP: old rivals

Date: April 20, 2003
Characters: Adrian & Angelina
Setting: The Marketplace in Settlement 1
Content: TBD
Status: Open : Public

Adrian had decided to pull out his broom, taking a low, looping flight from his home to the Marketplace. )

Apr. 3rd, 2014


RP: What took you so long?

Date: Thursday, April 3 2003
Characters: Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet Krum and OPEN
Setting: The World’s End Pub
Content: Worksafe
Status: Open: Public

And then she looked towards the door again. )


Journal #001 - Surprise!

Public to all adults except her older relatives

Confession time I guess.

I've been in this gorgeous new (not fucking freezing) world for a few weeks now. Sorry I didn't tell anyone but I've been helping the parentals set themselves up and visiting the rest of the family. They're all in 2. I've just moved my arse into a cute 'cottage' - with not a white picket fence in sight - here in 1, now that I've been let out of Mama's clutches.

So who do I need to grovel to and will Mama's curry and cheesecake help make up for it? Do I need to bring out the booze? Anyhow, party at my place soon, yeah? I need to catch up on EVERYTHING!

I'm due to start doing Merlin knows what to my hair in this heat in a few days. Well, working on the farms, so if anyone has better employment prospects for former pro Quidditch players with a photography sideline let me know! I also come with years of waitressing skills including the posh end of catering.

I'll start ducking the virtual Howlers now, okay?!

Angie out!

P.S. Yes I saw Voldie pants is dead. I say hooray. Also proves how lethal the shit around here is. Score one for being a good girl and staying in boundaries for once!