June 2014



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Apr. 13th, 2014


Journal #003

I have been speaking extensively with the workers at the library and trying to investigate my own history in the world we all came from. It appears that over 1000 years is time enough for even supposedly famous individuals to have much of their history lost to the murk of history.

To those who might be curious: the time I came from is after Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts, although it is not a topic I have a particular yearning to discuss, suffice to say it was not a particularly amicable departure on any part.

[Hexed private five minutes after posting]

However this was a time while my daughter was still alive and a student at the school. I am deeply saddened to find that she did not live to be a good age. That our occasional animosity grew to a great rift. I am aware enough to know my own manner was difficult even in my own time, but that we fought and were never reconciled eats at my heart.


Fellow herbologists I should like to investigate the my current project plant further for its properties and have run through all tests of which I know, if one of you would be kind enough to direct me to some suitable resources for further testing.

Alternatively I am of a mind to go slightly further afield than before for new plant life, if anybody has any suggestions or any of their own ideas they would like company for please let me know.

Apr. 6th, 2014


RP: This requires a drink.

Date: April 6, 2003
Characters: Penelope Clearwater (open to select characters; they know who they are *snicker*)
Setting: The World’s End Pub
Content: TBD
Status: Open : Public

Penelope's fellow Unspeakable's had avoided her - wisely - all day. )

Mar. 27th, 2014



Date: March 27th
Characters: Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin
Setting: The World's End, after hours
Content: tdb
Status: Private: Open

Read more... )


journal entry; #022


I can't believe the news. He was here all along? Why didn't they know? It makes me miss Kat all over again. Just this afternoon they were finding him and I was lounging on the silly patio. When the news came out, the late dinner crowd got real quiet. I don't think they have to worry about any celebrations, what with the... fear that everyone seems to be feeling. I just... I absolutely can't believe it.

[Private to Padma]

How are you doing, love? I imagine it's pretty crazy at Command Center but if you need a late drink when you finally get out, let me know, I'll wake up and we can do shots in the pub in our pajamas.

Jan. 27th, 2014


RP: A Visit

Date: January 27th
Characters: Padma Patil, Rowena Ravenclaw
Setting: Settlement One
Content: G
Status: Private: Open: Complete

Normally, Padma would have balked at the idea of checking up on one particular individual )

Jan. 5th, 2014


journal entry; #021

[Private Entry]

So, the new year didn't start off quite the way I would've liked. No kiss at midnight, though I might have been a bit picky about the crowd at the club.But Lavender and Demp got engaged! He asked her just before midnight and the looks on their faces! Just so madly in love, I'm so happy for both of them. I hope they let me and Paul cater the wedding, though that might be getting ahead of things.

I spent the first alone at home. Living right behind the pub is a great convenience but it also means maybe my mum and my friends are right that I spend ALL of my time at work - home IS work! So, I didn't let myself into the pub even once. I cleaned my whole space and reorganized my closets and my kitchen. Then I baked a cake and made my dad's favorite chocolate frosting and invited him and mum over for dinner. It was nice, until mum had her second glass of wine and started in on me again. Not even 24 hours into the new year, I swear the woman is out of her mind. Daddy did his best to calm her down, but it wasn't long before I pulled out the cake and rushed them through dessert just to get them out. Sent them home with a couple of pieces of cake, too. They really seemed to love it, though. Maybe I'll make some to sell at the pub this week.

Speaking of the pub, though, this afternoon had a young sister and brother come in looking for part time jobs after school. Tyler is 16 and his sister Beatrix is 15. They're mother made them look for work to save up their own spending money and they saw my posting a couple of weeks back. They're too young to help with waiting tables thanks to the alcohol, but Trix is really excited to work with Paul in the kitchen and Ty doesn't mind working on the floor with me - busing tables and seating guests and the like. They've both got great energy. Of course, it won't mean I can take any more time off, which is really the goal, but at least this way things will be a little less hectic, right?

Gods, I promised myself I'd get wrapped up in my work less, and here I am rambling on about it all over again. Maybe I'll see if Padma wants to have dinner soon. Get both of us out of our heads, right?

[Private to Padma]

Dinner this week? We both a need weeknight off, I think.

Dec. 31st, 2013


RP: New Year's Eve at The Looking Glass

Date: 31. December, 2002 (evening)
Characters: Everyone is welcome!
Setting: The Looking Glass Lounge; Settlement 1
Content: TBD
Status: Open : Public

To a New Year & new beginnings )

Dec. 26th, 2013


journal entry; #018

[Private to Padma]

Hey girlie - any interest in going out for New Years? Do you have any plans yet? Please don't tell me you're working, I know Kings won't be requiring it. Just in case you were wondering, unless you've got an amazing date with an incredible hot wizard, I'm not planning on taking no for an answer.
~ Lisa

[Private to Lavender]

Hey Lavender - have you an Dempster made any plans for New Years yet? I'm looking to see what people are up to. I'm feeling like having a little fun for once!
~ Lisa

Dec. 21st, 2013



Who: Padma Patil, OPEN
When: Saturday morning
Where: The World's End
What: Brunch
Open/Closed: Public: Open

Work never really ended when you were Kingsley Shacklebolt's personal assistant )