Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


Posts Tagged: 'anakin+solo'

Jul. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

When you have some downtime before a mission, you can just do this ).

Anakin and I were artists that day, I tell you. And I'm so over it right now, but I could totally do that again.

Jul. 3rd, 2016



(006) Anakin Solo

Rose has already posted some about this, and Jacen has already asked for help, but here's kind of your final call.

If you've signed up and indicated interest in going with us to Myrkr then it is essential that you spend some time training with the fighter droids Leo and I have worked on. Whether you've spent time with them already or not, I want to offer this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon as specific training with myself and with the droids and I'll give pointers.

If you don't show up then I won't be taking you with us. The Yuuzhan Vong are deadly and they are unique, and I don't care what you're used to fighting at home - they're going to be different - and I'm not taking with me anyone who doesn't have at least some idea of what they are getting into.

We'll be meeting in the Temple sparring rooms.


[Legends Solo siblings]
I'd appreciate either or both of you being there to help me with pointers, training, and making final decisions about who is on the team.

Jun. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]

So, it's not far off now. Myrkr.

It's imperative this mission succeed. It turns the war and while aspects may be changed and lives saved you must be willing to listen to us.

We're hunting the Voxyn Queen. The Vong have been cloning her. Creating killer beasts who hunt through the Force

That said, as Voxyn hunt Force Users having some of you all with us will only help.

If you're willing. Know it will be dangerous. Stealth is a factor. Ego is not. We will pick our team as we wish.

We will plan to leave in around a week. Once plans are finalised. We have lived this. I have seen its outcome. Only agree if you are willing to trust me when I say we turn the tide of the war in what we do on Myrkr.

Jun. 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Anakin]


Do you know much about the prosthetics you have in this world? My boss apparently has one, and needs me to have a look. And, while I might have made it, it's a couple of years in my future. And, I'd like a second opinion.

Jun. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

Filtered to Jaina, Jacen & Anakin
Hi, so you might have seen that Bonnie's having a party for her boyfriend's birthday tomorrow and I think you guys should come. I know this whole situation really, really sucks and none of you probably feel much like celebrating, but sometimes it can be good to blow off some steam.

Not to mention, there might be some people who only seem to care about when they can get their hands on a light saber, but most of them want to help. I have no idea if that council thing is going to go any better than I hear it went with the last place you all went, but socializing with the people who might be on it can't hurt. Maybe it'll make them more willing to listen to you when the time comes.

Either way, you should come by, at least for a little while. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how stressful being here has to be for you guys. You deserve a moment or two to get your mind off it.

Jun. 19th, 2016



FILTER - Solo's and Skywalkers (Except Kylo)

So it seems I managed a civil albeit short conversation with Ben. Do you think there is a chance you might be able to get him to visit the Jedi temple? I would suggest it, but I do not think it would go down well coming from me.

It might not go down well at all, but the influence might do him some good? It might also give us an opportunity to see each other face to face, which is what I would like to try and do.

What do you think?

(P.S. Sorry this is OOC Sue not being with it - Please forgive)

Jun. 16th, 2016



(005) Anakin Solo

All right, Coruscant is a big city. I mean, whatever you think it is looking out, it's bigger. It's the whole planet, and hundreds of levels, and some of those levels are really dangerous. And that's just this planet not the damned Yuuzhan Vong

If you want a quick glimpse of galactic history, try Monument Plaza, and the Galactic Museum. A hold out blaster isn't a terrible idea. Be careful that the air taxi drivers are fair with your credit chips.

And I don't even know how else to summarize. I'll take questions.



[No Subject]

Filtered to apartment 601

Well a big hello to my new flat mates, its a pleasure to meet you all.

Filtered to everyone

To anyone else particularly anyone with any local knowledge, does anyone have any idea how to answer either of these two critically important questions.

1) How the hell are we supposed to do anything to help?
2) Where can I get a drink and meet some new faces?



[No Subject]

We're back home?

It would have to be back during the war.

If I have to watch my wife almost die again, I'm not going to be happy.

I hope everyone is settling in ok. If you have questions, please ask me. The other masters are here to help as well.

Everyone all right?

I don't suppose that we could just stay behind when it's finished again?


Are you settling in all right? This is my timeline...I hope it isn't too strange for you.

I worry about how your Ben and Hux will react...I just hope nothing goes wrong with him here. I worry about what he's capable of.



[No Subject]

...they sent us to Star Wars?



[No Subject]

...yeah kriff this.

Welcome to my galaxy. And a war I remember being over.

...She's sick. TARA she's twisted.


Dad. Janina. Need updates?

Anakin, you remember when we are.

May. 25th, 2016



[No Subject]

Roll call: How many here know basic first aid? And those don't, would you be interested in learning?

May. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

Whatever it was that came over me, it's thankfully over. Can we drink wine and get ready to fight now?

May. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

[...] I forgot my own birthday.

Midnight stroll to celebrate it is.

May. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

Definitely no offense meant, but I just got here, and I seem to have misplaced my boyfriend, and my roommate seems to be [...] female.

Anyone seen him? He goes by Will Solace.

May. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay then. Since apparently the results of that election weren't actually some sort of hilarious prank by the Agency, first official act of councilwoman-ship. Seeing as this is a warzone revolution and all we're going to need proxies in case we're injured, captured or otherwise unable to act, because if Javert and co figure out there's a chain of command the three of us are going to be walking around with some pretty big targets on our backs. And if the worst happens, we're going to need some sort of continuity of leadership, because once the shit hits the fan we can't afford to down tools until someone sorts out another election.

I pick James Rogers - assuming you don't object, dude? - for mine.

Second official act; Inventory. Or, uh, whatever you call that when it's people not things. With all the coming and going lately I've not got a bloody clue who's still here or what you all can do. So check in, let me know what I'm working with here.

May. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

There's a cholera epidemic out there, so be smart about it. Drink water you know is safe, or boil it. Or if you want to, drink wine instead. Wash your hands with soap and (safe) water before and after eating food, and after going to the latrine. Eat only food you trust, as well.

Alright, people. Let's not die of severe diarrhea and dehydration.

And if anyone wants to help out a retired doctor, you can find me where I'm needed most.

May. 7th, 2016



(004) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Jacen]
I'm sorry about yesterday.

I know you were just trying to help.



[No Subject]

Who: Anakin Solo
When: This afternoon
Where: A tavern, around, somewhere.
What: Anakin is feeling sorry for himself and moping, mostly it's a lot of angsty teen!Jedi introspection.
Rating: Low mostly.

Probably Anakin could have Jedi-mind-tricked his way into a drink, but mostly nobody seemed to care who you were or how old you were or any of the like so long as you had coins to pay for the product. )



[No Subject]

Well. This is definitely new on the weird scale.

And definitely a whole new level of inconvenient.