Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


Posts Tagged: 'kylo+ren+/+ben+solo'

Aug. 13th, 2016



[No Subject]

Apparently, I like women all ways. The more you know.

'Sup, Grumpy Bear?
You've been quiet, Gorgeous.

Aug. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

She c
I need her t

If you remain on Corellia beyond tomorrow you'll be considered an enemy of the alliance. Think very hard about what that could mean. I suggest you do the right thing.


I'm taking a day or two. Leaving Coruscant.

Nithal will run things, I suggest... you coordinate with her

Unless I..

Do you want to come with me?


Do you even trust me anymore?


Somethings gone wrong. Terribly wrong. I need to end this now

Aug. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]


[...] May I inquire about your temples of worship?

Aug. 1st, 2016



(007) Kylo Ren

TARA reminds me a bit of my master.

Where are you?

[Jacen Solo]
I saw you on the holonet.



[No Subject]

Who: Kylo Ren.
When: After the TARA jump (so slightly backdated)
Where: Coruscant Undercity.
What: Sure, let's just hop around to all sorts of places TARA. That's just fine.

First things first. Then he could think about the Force. )

Jul. 7th, 2016



(006) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Hux]
I will be going with the group, although apparently not 'with' the group.

You'll be fine here.



Filter - Kylo Ren

My siblings have voiced objections I don't have time for so we have choices. Either I wipe Lando or Tendra's memory of letting you on board and we hide you or I give you a ship and coordinates.

I don't completely trust you obviously but you're willing to walk into danger to ensure I become who I am so...I trust that. And I'll make sure Hux has a job while we're gone.

Are you still willing to help me do what I need to.

Jun. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]

This really wasn't what I signed up for but they told me why they brought me here and I guess they thought I could help. I'm Rey. I was told there are some people I know here.



[No Subject]

So, it's not far off now. Myrkr.

It's imperative this mission succeed. It turns the war and while aspects may be changed and lives saved you must be willing to listen to us.

We're hunting the Voxyn Queen. The Vong have been cloning her. Creating killer beasts who hunt through the Force

That said, as Voxyn hunt Force Users having some of you all with us will only help.

If you're willing. Know it will be dangerous. Stealth is a factor. Ego is not. We will pick our team as we wish.

We will plan to leave in around a week. Once plans are finalised. We have lived this. I have seen its outcome. Only agree if you are willing to trust me when I say we turn the tide of the war in what we do on Myrkr.

Jun. 17th, 2016



(005) Kylo Ren

Civilization is preferable to not.

Even if the Republic clearly cannot keep the galaxy safe.

[Filter: Hux]
I didn't think it was possible there was a more chaotic galaxy.

I have been proven wrong.

Did they let you bring Giselle?

Jun. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

I still have a few bottles of bottle of 19th century Calvados. Was going to fence it when we got back to a more modern period on Earth, but eh. Sharesies?

Hey, Grump Bear.

I miss you. How's life? Is your mattress soft? How's your food?

May. 24th, 2016



(004) Kylo Ren

Suggested methods for getting cats to follow an internal clock wherein I am allowed to sleep at night.


[Filter: Jacen & Hux]
The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go back to civilization or at least what passes for i

I don't know about either of you, but I am ready to move forward and to be done with this place.

May. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

Yesterday was quite the strange day. I was....happy. Not that I'm incapable of being happy but I usually have more than one mood during the day. Instead I spent an entire day being happy. It was rather disconcerting.

Also, I have acquired a pet. Her name is Giselle, she's a kitten and is very friendly.

May. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

Can we leave this bloody place already? I'm tired of it.

May. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Ren & Hux
When: Earlier this month, before the truth telling stuff.
Where: Their rooms.
What: Hux has made a friend, Ren might be also making one.
Rating: Lowish. C for Cute Cat.

Don’t you knock?. )

May. 13th, 2016



[No Subject]

Ran into one of those rich courtesans this morning. I wish I'd been impressed.

Hey there, Grumpy Bear. Whatcha doing?

May. 10th, 2016



(003) Kylo Ren

This morning I went out and for my pains I received vomit on my shoes. This feels like a surprisingly good metaphor for nearly everything about this entire experience with this time agency has been thus far.

In case there were any doubt, I hate it here. I hate the smells. I hate how crowded and dirty it is. Like one of the cantina's my father would drag me into only with fewer aliens, thank the Force, although I feel as if some of these humans could rival a rodian in smell.

I want my lightsaber back, and my mask, and possibly a squad of incinerator troopers. If nothing else, it would chase away this hideous disease.



[No Subject]

Okay then. Since apparently the results of that election weren't actually some sort of hilarious prank by the Agency, first official act of councilwoman-ship. Seeing as this is a warzone revolution and all we're going to need proxies in case we're injured, captured or otherwise unable to act, because if Javert and co figure out there's a chain of command the three of us are going to be walking around with some pretty big targets on our backs. And if the worst happens, we're going to need some sort of continuity of leadership, because once the shit hits the fan we can't afford to down tools until someone sorts out another election.

I pick James Rogers - assuming you don't object, dude? - for mine.

Second official act; Inventory. Or, uh, whatever you call that when it's people not things. With all the coming and going lately I've not got a bloody clue who's still here or what you all can do. So check in, let me know what I'm working with here.

May. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

I have been authorised by TARA to bring you the results of your election. All of you who ran did so with dignity and this has not gone unnoticed.

Please join me in congratulating.

General Leia Organa, Johanna Mason and General Hux.

James Rogers ran a good race but fates were against him on this day. I suggest you take the time to meet with Les Amis de l'ABC. You have plans to make. The night is falling fast.

[OOC - Hux and James were tied. We coin tossed.]

Good luck.

Imogen Yates.

May. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

You know this is a beautiful day. I think I'll go find a park and sit under a tree and just relax. It's not often you get days like this.