Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


September 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

[...] Fuck this. I am not a bloody plaything for anyone to toy with as they please.

What do you actually want to hear, TARA? The whole 'I am a Partially Deceased Syndrome sufferer. And what I did in my Untreated State was not my fault' mantra?

No. I'm fucking done.



[No Subject]

You know, my darling Rum - I do appreciate you, but after all this time, I think we need a break.

I'll be over with Miss Brandy over there, but just keep in mind that I'd go back to Miss Soju in a heartbeat. I am by no means going steady.

[...] My mum would be sending me a Howler any second now, wouldn't she?



[No Subject]

Talk to me. Please.



[No Subject]

People punch walls too often in this house

Since I am awake so early, would anyone like to walk with me down to the shore to see the sunrise?



[No Subject]

[ Ward ]
Grant I know you can see this. Please come back so we can talk. I love you, don't shut me out. Please just talk to me.

[ Matt ][sent as a voice message]
He ran off after we woke up and I tried to talk to him. I'm worried he's going to get himself into trouble. I don't know what to do.

[ Coulson ]
He ran away. I'm scared for him, Coulson. I don't know what to do.

[ Fitz ]
Ward isn't with you, is he?



[No Subject]

I won't lie. I am thrilled to have my handglider skirt with me. Alas, there's no chance to use it around here. Perhaps next destination? A girl can dream.


How are you holding on?



[No Subject]

Pillaging isn't as fun as they make out.

Hey, buddy.

Sucks, don't it?



[No Subject]

If there's anything else you'd prefer to eat, let me know.



[No Subject]

Somehow I thought it would be a good idea to purchase a guitar from a pirate. A Moorish guitar to be precise. It is nothing like the one I have back home and yet it feels so familiar. I could get the hang of it.

Does anyone else play an intrument?



Filtered to Grant Ward

I'm sure you got quite a few people checking up on you and wanting to know if you're okay, which not doing that, but I know if my past was being shown to people for some sick game, then I would be pissed off. Figured I would offer to buy you a drink or shoot some rounds without any form of judgement or having to talk about the whole thing. It's your choice, but the offer is on the table for you.