Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


August 7th, 2016



Alignment Change

It's been a long time since I just wanted to cut loose and relax. Anyone know a place a girl can get drunk? More to the point, anyone want to drink with me?



[No Subject]

[Filtered to People Who Ain't Acting Weird]

I think we have a problem. Of all the random stuff that happened. This ones most dangerous.

What do we do? I think some of the vampires are running riot. Which is never good.



[No Subject]


July 11th (Backdated)
Anakin forgets planned plans with his BFF
characters. Tahiri Veila & Anakin Solo
time. Late at night
location. Outside the Solo apartment on Coruscant
rating. C for extreme Cute? Mentions of averted character death also
status. Comeplete

She jumped up when she saw him and before either of them could get a word out in greeting, she reached out and punched him in the arm. )



[No Subject]

Look at you. Decided to become useless? Why are you moping?

What happened to having a little fun?