Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


August 3rd, 2016



Filtered away from Natives

I'm sure everyone already knows this but be careful about what you say in front of anyone not part of our group from the Agency. I'm going to see what I can dig up, might be out of contact for a couple of hours but I'll have backup with me so don't be worried if you can't reach me.

Want to come kick over some rocks with me and see what crawls out from underneath?



(010) Anakin Solo

I don't know what I'm doing.

Probably it's better I don't know details of what you're doing, but you all right?



[No Subject]


I'm not going to be a soldier in someone else's war. Not again Send me back, now.



Filtered to Jacen

If you're still wanting some intel, I was able to get a tiny bit of information?



Filter to Robin

Did I see your name here?

Been a long time



Filter: Medics Only

Sorry for not making contact earlier. It's been complicated. But we're I'm alright. We're I'm on Coruscant, for now, but how long is... currently up for negotiation. Suffice to say that - as with most things - Justice has his own opinion on where we'd be the most useful, and it's hard to disagree with him on this one.

Linda, what do you need most on your side?



[No Subject]

This is ridiculous. I am needed in Gotham City. Why should I fight this war?



[No Subject]

( Jim Kirk and Spock )
I've got a mission for you, but it's here on Coruscant. I know there's a lot happening on Corellia, but this is important. If we can get you past the blockade, will you come?

( Christian Ozera )
I shouldn't be I might have a job for you, but I need you to promise you'll do what I say.

( Damon & Stefan Salvatore + Rebekah Mikaelson )
Hey, you three, how do you feel about a little game of assassin? Could save the world and all that.

( Rebekah Mikaelson )
I need an extra favor for you, if you're game.

( Katie Bell )
I have an update for you. Let's meet at my place. I don't want any prying ears to hear us talking.

( Jaina Solo )
Jim Kirk
Christian Ozera
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Rebekah Mikaelson

Am I missing anyone you think we should take with us?

( Han Solo after talking to Kirk & Spock )
You sure you can get past the blockade? I've got a couple of people I need here on Coruscant ASAP.

[ooc: if you have a character you want involved in the plan to take out Luymia, hit me up and we'll work something out to have Rose or Jaina bring them in!]



[No Subject]

[Filtered to SHIELD*]

I've been talking to Anakin, Jaina, Ben and Rose. They want some people to infiltrate the Galactic Alliance Guard. I said I'd talk to you guys.

We can tell Jacen that we want to help him. But, we're really there to find out information and try and reduce some of the damage they cause.

Sir, it's up to you who you want to go.

*Includes ex-SHIELD members



[No Subject]

Maybe I should reduce my
But then who would..I would

I would not entirely recommend the Corellian Ale. Not unless you intend on passing out and missing something important.

As much as it pains me. You will be most useful here, Apollo.