Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


June 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well, what will they throw at us next? We've had the singing. The randomly heightened emotions. I am curious to see what they do.

[Filtered to Mikaelsons and Davina]

Unfortunately, I think I might have an idea.

How is everyone feeling today? Anyone else feeling decidedly less than normal? I'd have counted myself lucky if I had my magic, as well as appearing to be human. This however, seems to be an entirely different thing altogether.



[No Subject]

Why the hell am I so tired?



[No Subject]

How is it possible that I don't have a reflection in the mirror anymore? Or that I seem to have only one thing on the mind that I normally don't even think about.



[No Subject]

Whoever is behind this...knock it off. I don't want to be human.



[No Subject]

This is impossible!

I'm not sure what is happening, but could anyone with knowledge and experience of I cannot believe I'm saying this unusual powers please contact me? I could use some expertise.

Filter: Athelstan

As your roommate, I apologize about the noise. It's unbecoming and it won't happen again I hope



[No Subject]

I don't know what everyone is freaking out about. I think it's awesome to be normal again. I haven't felt this good in ages.

Posted via Journaler.



[No Subject]

Filtered to Jaina, Jacen & Anakin
Hi, so you might have seen that Bonnie's having a party for her boyfriend's birthday tomorrow and I think you guys should come. I know this whole situation really, really sucks and none of you probably feel much like celebrating, but sometimes it can be good to blow off some steam.

Not to mention, there might be some people who only seem to care about when they can get their hands on a light saber, but most of them want to help. I have no idea if that council thing is going to go any better than I hear it went with the last place you all went, but socializing with the people who might be on it can't hurt. Maybe it'll make them more willing to listen to you when the time comes.

Either way, you should come by, at least for a little while. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how stressful being here has to be for you guys. You deserve a moment or two to get your mind off it.



[No Subject]

...this cannot be possible. This isn't...

I won't be this. Not even my many sins deserve this fate



[No Subject]

Can anyone even begin to explain this to me? The alarm clock woke me up this morning and for a moment I thought I was back at home about to start getting my daughter ready for school. Then my memory kicked in and I realised she wasn't here, which was when the alarm clock seemed to...fly into the wall.


Tell me this isn't your doing! I'm missing Trixie enough without you playing weird pranks on me.



[No Subject]

I don't think it would surprise anyone to know, but there is something very wrong with me.

I am having feelings that I cannot suppress which are very dangerous for me to have, particularly in my previous line of work.

I'm also hearing people's thoughts. at least I think that is what they are.

Does anyone know who did this and what exactly is going on?


I know we have not spoken in a while, but you better get over here to 501, I need you to stop me from hurting anyone. I'm not sure how much longer I can stop myself.



Filtered away from Enzo

So, tomorrow is my insanely awesome boyfriend's birthday and I'm planning a bit of a party for him back at our place. Everyone's welcome, bring a bottle (or two, if you're so inclined) because this is the first time Enzo's actually been able to celebrate his birthday in a very long time.