Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


June 17th, 2016



Private to Enzo, Damon and Katie

So, there are a lot of refugees here that need healing and despite our powers being pretty low, we might actually be able to help them.

What do you say, guys, you with me?



Filtered to Grant Ward.

[ooc note: sent during this]

How do you know her? Please tell me you never



[No Subject]

What is this?



[No Subject]

Well, it seemed leaving you to your own devices in Paris, didn't work out, causing us to intervene to get you started.

We have decided to not make that mistake again. And to start the democratic process as soon as possible.

Therefore, anyone who would like to be considered for the Council in this Galaxy, post here. I suggest explaining why you would be a good choice for the military council, with examples of previous experience, to give people reasons to vote for you.

I'm afraid we will not be allowing natives from this reality, or from the alternate timelines to run for this. As we feel they may be too close to the situation.



(005) Kylo Ren

Civilization is preferable to not.

Even if the Republic clearly cannot keep the galaxy safe.

[Filter: Hux]
I didn't think it was possible there was a more chaotic galaxy.

I have been proven wrong.

Did they let you bring Giselle?



[No Subject]

Umm, some planets have more than one moon, right?

How many does this one have?


I'm pretty sure the full moon is tomorrow.