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What are you all doing with the Cybermen once they've been disabled?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]

Soooo, did anyone manage to find anything on our search?

Anything at all?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]

[OOC: Backposted to 9am GMT this morning.  I got distracted]

If you're willing to help me search for the cybermen's teleport pad.  Please meet me at my TARDIS, which is located at [address], at midday.

If you've never seen the TARDIS, it's the blue police phone box.

Sydney Sage [userpic]

I have developed a chemical compound that will immobilize the Cybermen if it makes contact with them. At the moment it's in inert containers that can be carried around safely. For those who aren't skilled with guns or combat, it might be a good alternative. Please let me know if you'd like any.

I'm going to need a lot of orange juice.

Did you make it back safely?

Why didn't you

Did you make it back all right?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


I need some volunteers.  Preferably people who can look after themselves.  Possibly even use the guns that UNIT have provided.  However much I hate them. 

I'm going to be heading over to where Amy spotted the Cybermen.  See if I can find their teleport pad.  A few clever people would be good too.  I can show you what to look for.  Well, roughly.  I'll draw a diagram.  Well, get the TARDIS to show you.

So, yes that.  A mixture of dsiplaced and natives would be good.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


So, I managed to capture one of the "silver rats" that have been running around.  I'm afraid to say, that they are what I feared they would be.

Cybermats, the advanced guard of the Cybermen.  Scouts if you will.  I suspect that they have detected the rift's activity, and have sent the cybermats to investigate.  Which would probably why they'd be investigating you.  You've all been through the rift, and therefore would give off a certain type of energy signature.  Only detectable by some of the most advanced technology. 

But, I wanted to warn you all.  If the cybermats are here, then the cybermen will be on their way.  And nothing good can come of that.  They cannot be reasoned with.  They will either try to convert you, or kill you.  And believe me, you will not have a choice in the conversion process.  They're cybernetically augmented humanoids.  With no individuality or emotion.

I'm so sorry, so very sorry that you've been dragged into this mess.  But, you need to be prepared.  They cannot be killed by 20th century guns, although it will damage them.  One of their greatest weaknesses is gold.  I believe that UNIT have developed gold tipped arrows in order to combat them.  So, I will organise getting some of those for everyone that wants them.

If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask them.

I slipped away from that 'UNIT'(?) member and hacked into their comms systems in order to determine that this was the place to was told that this would be a good place to get some answers.

I went from Gotham to London in the blink of an eye. I don't think that this is a kidnapping because, if it were, dumping me in the middle of a public area and abandoning me wouldn't exactly be an ideal strategic move. So what is it? What's going on here? And how is something like this even possible?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]
Native Filter

Right, so.  I've managed to find one of the "Silver rats" that were running around the displaced.

It definitely looks like cybertechnology.  But, well, it's not a model of cybermat that I've seen before.  Is it one you've seen before, Me?

Look at it, isn't it beauitiful it has teeth!

Anyway, we probably should let the displaced know soon.  I just want to carry out a couple of tests on this first, see if I can trace the signal back to it's origins.

gladiolus amicitia [userpic]

I swear I just saw some weird silver rat thing - please tell me this isn't a London thing.

((please to be pretending this was earlier in the day, today got crazy))
Hey so feel free to tell me this is none of my business, but there's that whole supermoon thing tonight. Does that actually affect you? If it does, can I do anything to help?

Clara Oswald [userpic]

I know I've been quiet on here for a while, but it's really been a combination of keeping busy and avoiding conflict. Does it really matter if there are vampires here as well? We're all still in this situation together. We can't discriminate against whoever is brought through the rift.

I am happy to say that I got my old job at Coal Hill School. Well, old job for me, new for them, I suppose. I'll be starting as an English teacher this upcoming academic year. Short notice, really, but it's exciting!

[Doctors 10 & 11]

Have you two thought more about how this rift is occurring? I know you said UNIT was on it...but perhaps I could help?


Right, so, lot of us showing up around here. Bit exciting, really! Would you all fancy meeting together? Perhaps for tea or dinner? I bet there would be loads of stories from all of us.

Rose Tyler. [userpic]

This definitely isn't the strangest place I've ever been.

But with UNIT wandering around

Does that mean

I can't possibly be in the right universe

The Eleventh Doctor thinks bow ties are cool. [userpic]
Filtered to Whoverse locals.

Bit of news. Went down, had a chat with UNIT. No one will be taking any preemptive actions against anyone, so that ought to be put a few minds at ease.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


I would like to put a few worries and things to bed.  Personally, I find the idea of vampires and other supernatural creatures walking among us fascinating.  And rather quite brilliant.  Well, better than brilliant.

But, they're not necessarily anymore dangerous than anyone else.  Humans are one of the most destructive species in the Universe.  But, that doesn't stop them from being brilliant!

Anyway, back to my point.  No one, absolutely no one, will be putting anything toxic to anyone else in the water supply.

If anyone becomes a problem, including me, they will be dealt with.

UNIT do background checks on anyone associated with me.  It's protocol apparently, but mostly because I get called in as an expert in a lot of crazy situations.  So, they probably have researched all of you as soon as you stepped through the rift.  So, they will know all about you, if there's anything to know.

But, the current head of UNIT is a reasonable woman, unlike the previous one.  And she will listen to reason whenever it is given.

Lucy Saxon was never especially bright [userpic]

It really is awfully strange being back here. So much the same, and yet...


Must I wear this blasted thing? And be so watched.

What have I done?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]
Native Filter

Right, sooooo UNIT have just called me to say that Lucy Saxon has just arrived through the rift.

I know only me and me remember the year that wasn't.  But, you might remember her.

But, all the same.  I'm off to go and find her.

John Ross Ewing wants to know every dirty trick [userpic]

Y'all are inviting a world of hurt, kidnapping me like this. And I swear, someone is gonna pay and pay hard. Question now is, who's gonna help me and who's gonna get in my way?

Lyra [userpic]

Is this...I thought the angels could only send people to the past, not into the future?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


Right, well, there seems to be some confusion over me, and well other me.  We are in fact the same person.  Albeit from different points in time.  And contrary to his baby face, he is the older version of me.

The Doctor is my name,and the only name that is relevant.  However, if you want to be able to differentiate between the two of us.  I'm the tenth version of me, and he is the eleventh.

Oh, yes.  And I realise one person with more than one face is extremely confusing.  I'm not human.  I'm from a race of people called Time Lords.  When we die, we don't really die, we regenerate.  We get a new face, new body, new personality.  But, all of our memories stay the same.  We're the same person, but not.

Uhhhh, either I'm in the wrong place, or Valhalla looks a lot like London.

charlie mcgee will light your ass up [userpic]

I'm going to make this real easy. Whatever you're selling? I ain't buying it. And if you're smart, you'll let me go on my way before things get ugly.

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