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charlie mcgee will light your ass up [userpic]

I didn't get anything from them regarding Derek. Sorry.

THE DARK ONE. [userpic]

Is it a Cyberman thing to kidnap someone?

Derek isn't at work, hasn't been in days, and nobody knows what happened to him. Maybe he just fucked off again, why do I even care?

Has anybody else heard from him? I was going to go check his place, but I don't know where it is.

focusscottfocus [userpic]

Guns in my face, not a great way to start off my morning. Things were explained, but most of it went straight over my head. What I got was weird magic thing brought me to London and I can't go home. And come here for camaraderie.

So...hi? I'm Scott.

(ETA) [Laura Hale]
Hi. You don't know me, but I know your brother, Derek. And your uncle. He's a dick. Anyway. I'm Scott, and it seems like Derek's gone missing or something... I was just wondering if you'd heard from him or knew if he was going somewhere? Couple people are kind of worried and...I figured if anyone would know, it would be you. I don't even know if
How are you
Does this thing have a habit of bringing the dea

Natasha Romanova [userpic]

London. Huh...

Right then, anyone care to explain why I'm here? And what exactly that tin man I just took out was?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]

[OOC: Backposted to 9am GMT this morning.  I got distracted]

If you're willing to help me search for the cybermen's teleport pad.  Please meet me at my TARDIS, which is located at [address], at midday.

If you've never seen the TARDIS, it's the blue police phone box.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


I need some volunteers.  Preferably people who can look after themselves.  Possibly even use the guns that UNIT have provided.  However much I hate them. 

I'm going to be heading over to where Amy spotted the Cybermen.  See if I can find their teleport pad.  A few clever people would be good too.  I can show you what to look for.  Well, roughly.  I'll draw a diagram.  Well, get the TARDIS to show you.

So, yes that.  A mixture of dsiplaced and natives would be good.

Dean Winchester is freaking awesome [userpic]

Hey Emma.  Thanks for the cherry pie.  It was awesome.

Told you I'd eat a whole one, didn't I?

That was a good party/strategy meeting.  I'm glad you guys like combining planning with beer too.


So, anything you want to tell me, Sammy.  Possibly about an adorable little brunette?

Sydney Sage [userpic]

I've been doing some research, and it seems that these Cybermen are also vulnerable to a chemical mixture known as the Cocktail Polly. Can someone with more experience with these creatures verify this?

If this is true, the components are easy enough to find, and I can create find containers for them that would keep them stable until they need to be used, whether it be in fire extinguishers again, or as some sort of projectile. Hopefully it can be an additional weapon that can be used to protect ourselves.

Clara Oswald [userpic]

I'm afraid what The Doctor says is true. These are not rats. These are cybermats. I've fought this specific model before. If they try to change you, gold will certainly help.

I saw the Doctor will provide us with gold-tipped arrows. That's fantastic. I'm also going to see if I can work with UNIT to possibly mass produce hand pulsers. They're like gloves that sends a shock through the programming that shorts them out. But you need to touch it at the back of the neck. It may not help against a full Cybermen army, but it will help if you find yourself cornered. For that we would need Anti-Cybermen guns. But that might be harder to get. I just really don't want a repeat of last time.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


So, I managed to capture one of the "silver rats" that have been running around.  I'm afraid to say, that they are what I feared they would be.

Cybermats, the advanced guard of the Cybermen.  Scouts if you will.  I suspect that they have detected the rift's activity, and have sent the cybermats to investigate.  Which would probably why they'd be investigating you.  You've all been through the rift, and therefore would give off a certain type of energy signature.  Only detectable by some of the most advanced technology. 

But, I wanted to warn you all.  If the cybermats are here, then the cybermen will be on their way.  And nothing good can come of that.  They cannot be reasoned with.  They will either try to convert you, or kill you.  And believe me, you will not have a choice in the conversion process.  They're cybernetically augmented humanoids.  With no individuality or emotion.

I'm so sorry, so very sorry that you've been dragged into this mess.  But, you need to be prepared.  They cannot be killed by 20th century guns, although it will damage them.  One of their greatest weaknesses is gold.  I believe that UNIT have developed gold tipped arrows in order to combat them.  So, I will organise getting some of those for everyone that wants them.

If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask them.

Derek Hale is a grumpy puppy [userpic]

This just in: Derek Hale hates Wednesdays.

I was unaware of this, actually, but the label on my pull up bar that I just found says so, so it must be true.


A) Okay, you're lucky you're cute or that would be creepy. B) What the fuck? and, C) How long has that been there? Haha Jesus.

steve rogers is ninety five, not dead [userpic]

At least I only lost a couple months this time -
I was told I should introduce myself. Hi, I'm Steve Rogers.


I figure if you're here you'd be the one who would manage to bypass the third degree at the rift site. So - you here?

Sydney Sage [userpic]
Filtered to humans

The rift seems to have brought over a great number of evil supernatural creatures. I'm wondering how many of us happen to be just human.

princess anna. [userpic]


i don't know where i am or what this place is and i need need need to get back to arendelle

Adrian Ivashkov | Vampire Academy/Bloodlines [userpic]

So, in other news, what exactly are we supposed to be doing here?

I mean, finding jobs is obviously out of the question, so where are we getting our funds?

All righty, Kenz, enough with the massive evasion. Let's get social.

Besides regularly surrounding ourselves with our military-esque friends and hoping that the thingy that brought us all here doesn't choke up Voldemort next (sidenote: actually, in spite of all the impending bs that would follow, that would kind of be a bitchin' turn of events), what has everyone here been up to? Because all I've got is finding out that I, too, am fictional(??????) and watching Hale die again was not on my to-do list ever I'm in dire need of some serious alcohol poisoning and I was thinking that maybe one or two of you lovely guys and gals might be interested in joining me.

Me being Kenzi. Hi.

Sam Winchester [userpic]

Granted I've only been here for a day, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do here. I need a hunt
Something to keep my mind off of
Or to give me a demon and
I don't think I can just pick up where I left off back home, here.

I'm assuming there are no hunts to be had, here, considering it's...a different universe? That's still so weird to say.

Lucy Saxon was never especially bright [userpic]

Can someone come shopping with me?

Or Doctor can I have one of those...things, you had. Harry told me, filters.

So people see you but don't see you.

An American spat at me in the street.

Funny, you turned back all that year before the paradox but that dreadful man was still killed

Sydney Sage [userpic]

Can you come over? I have some vervain, and I want to make sure it's not going to harm you.

[Doctors, Amy, Emma]
Thank you for all the help so far. As I mentioned, I'd like to help you any way you can. I don't know a lot about astrophysics, but I'm very, very good at managing people and organizing things.

Finnick Odair hasn't dealt in money for years [userpic]

So, new world, no rebellion, no games. None of it? We're just free

Not complaining, just seems a little good to be true, still, anyone feeling the need to buy me a drink and fill in the rest of the whys? I'd be grateful. The soldiers didn't seem in the mood for a drink.

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