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Amy Pond is a sassy fairytale [userpic]



It's not just the mice, I possibly just fled from a fully formed/grown/whatever Cyberman.

So yeah. That's a thing now.

Sydney Sage [userpic]
Filtered to humans

The rift seems to have brought over a great number of evil supernatural creatures. I'm wondering how many of us happen to be just human.

Rose Tyler. [userpic]

This definitely isn't the strangest place I've ever been.

But with UNIT wandering around

Does that mean

I can't possibly be in the right universe

The Eleventh Doctor thinks bow ties are cool. [userpic]
Filtered to Whoverse locals.

Bit of news. Went down, had a chat with UNIT. No one will be taking any preemptive actions against anyone, so that ought to be put a few minds at ease.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


I would like to put a few worries and things to bed.  Personally, I find the idea of vampires and other supernatural creatures walking among us fascinating.  And rather quite brilliant.  Well, better than brilliant.

But, they're not necessarily anymore dangerous than anyone else.  Humans are one of the most destructive species in the Universe.  But, that doesn't stop them from being brilliant!

Anyway, back to my point.  No one, absolutely no one, will be putting anything toxic to anyone else in the water supply.

If anyone becomes a problem, including me, they will be dealt with.

UNIT do background checks on anyone associated with me.  It's protocol apparently, but mostly because I get called in as an expert in a lot of crazy situations.  So, they probably have researched all of you as soon as you stepped through the rift.  So, they will know all about you, if there's anything to know.

But, the current head of UNIT is a reasonable woman, unlike the previous one.  And she will listen to reason whenever it is given.

Sydney Sage [userpic]

I've always wanted to visit England, but this isn't how I wanted to do it. How did I even get here?

Amy Pond is a sassy fairytale [userpic]

I've seen some people being confused about what it means to live in Britain and quite what our attitudes to things are. I think this would sum it up quite nicely. Doesn't entirely apply to me because I'm Scottish and we lack the level of polite that this has, but it's close enough really.

So, enjoy Professor Elemental, explaining what it means to be British.

And we really really are sorry for Piers Morgan.

[ooc: link is to a particularly awesome video! Enjoy!]

Lucy Saxon was never especially bright [userpic]

It really is awfully strange being back here. So much the same, and yet...


Must I wear this blasted thing? And be so watched.

What have I done?

Lyra [userpic]

Is this...I thought the angels could only send people to the past, not into the future?

Clara Oswald [userpic]

Oh my stars!

Doctor? Doctor what happened? We were just on your ship. It was crashing and you were...

Doctor if you can see this, please find me.

I don't know where I am.

Hal Yorke was involved tagentially [userpic]

Is this all we're supposed to do, get jobs and live some kind of life.

It won't do. I want to go home and if not that I want to talk to someone in charge

[Lady Katherine]

Are you settling? Perhaps its odd but I find I cannot.

Amy Pond is a sassy fairytale [userpic]

I should probably actually introduce myself properly, for anyone I haven't met yet. I'm Amy Pond, and my husband Rory and I used to travel with the Doctor.

One of the versions of him. The pro bow ties one.

Anyway, point is we're used to him so if anyone wants us to basically translate what he's saying, come and ask us and we'll attempt to. No idea how successful that will be, but we'd get points for trying, right?!

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]

Right, so.  We're still investigating.  It appears to be more complicated than I first thought.

In the mean time, I've secured funding from UNIT a source within the Government.  They've also secured the area around the anomaly in order to stop people from wandering where they shouldn't.  But, they should also be on hand to help any new arrivals.

Hopefully, they won't mess with the rift.

So, yes.  Hotels will be paid for.  Thank you Ponds, for using what you had left in your bank accounts.

If this lasts much longer, we will look at sourcing a more permanent housing solution.  Especially, if people keep turning up.

We should also be able to source you all with IDs soon, as well.  So, that should hopefully start to make things easier.


It seems UNIT are seeing sense, and have agreed to leave investigating the rift to us.  We'll see how long that lasts.  At least they're usually better at not interfering than Torchwood were.

The Eleventh Doctor thinks bow ties are cool. [userpic]

I suppose a proper introduction is in order. Hello, everyone! I'm the Doctor. The other Doctor. The far more stylish and sophisticated Doctor.

No need to worry about that pesky rip in the fabric of reality: we're on it! We'll have it sorted and the entire lot of you can climb back through to where you came from in no time. And by "in no time", what I mean is "probably soon" or "in the future at some point." See also: "it might take a while because we haven't the faintest as to how this thing tore open in the first place and there's literally nothing about that might help us figure this out in any way."

In retrospect, you all should probably get comfortable.

Romanadvoratrelunder prefers Fred [userpic]

Rift arrivals, as I said before my name is Romana, and I'm working on somewhere for all of you to stay. You'll have to bear with me slightly, this isn't my world, but it is my universe. So while far from a London native, I did visit a lot, for a time.Now, I know you all have questions, I do too, but we will get  the basics secured and move on from there if that seems sensible to everyone. I know you have lives to get back to, and it is cruel that you have been pulled from them. But we are doing what we can. I assure you and I promise you that we will keep you all informed and involved with anything we might try with that rift. It involves you all as much as any of us

[Filtered to Natives]

It seems the speechy president thing carried over. Well that's good to know.

Right. I've had a sort of idea, now lets remember I've not been to earth since our little jaunt to Paris all those centuries ago Doctor. But I remember some things.

What of UNIT? I mean in terms of funding these people as long as they are stuck here? You only ever spoke well of their commander.

I'd bring this to the wider floor but I doubted UNIT would thank me for it? You know what they're like.

Also, hello the Ponds? I'd like to say I've heard good things but you know, long time, reunion and all that. Still judging by his reaction to you, you were both very dear to him, and give or take a few mishaps, he chooses his companions well. Its good to meet you both.

Rory Williams (AU: Daniel Price) [userpic]

What the hell?  Doctor, was this you?  And, where the hell is, Amy?

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]

Hello there everyone!

I'm sure that I've met most of you by now.  But, I'm The Doctor.

You all appear to have come through a rift in time and space, and well, dimensions from the look of it.

Apologies about that.  But, I actually don't know what's causing it yet.

Anyway, I've created this network so that we can all communicate with each other in the mean time.

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