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Back September 2nd, 2014 Forward
Natasha Romanova [userpic]

London. Huh...

Right then, anyone care to explain why I'm here? And what exactly that tin man I just took out was?

THE DARK ONE. [userpic]

Is it a Cyberman thing to kidnap someone?

Derek isn't at work, hasn't been in days, and nobody knows what happened to him. Maybe he just fucked off again, why do I even care?

Has anybody else heard from him? I was going to go check his place, but I don't know where it is.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]

[OOC: Backposted to 9am GMT this morning.  I got distracted]

If you're willing to help me search for the cybermen's teleport pad.  Please meet me at my TARDIS, which is located at [address], at midday.

If you've never seen the TARDIS, it's the blue police phone box.

focusscottfocus [userpic]

Guns in my face, not a great way to start off my morning. Things were explained, but most of it went straight over my head. What I got was weird magic thing brought me to London and I can't go home. And come here for camaraderie.

So...hi? I'm Scott.

(ETA) [Laura Hale]
Hi. You don't know me, but I know your brother, Derek. And your uncle. He's a dick. Anyway. I'm Scott, and it seems like Derek's gone missing or something... I was just wondering if you'd heard from him or knew if he was going somewhere? Couple people are kind of worried and...I figured if anyone would know, it would be you. I don't even know if
How are you
Does this thing have a habit of bringing the dea

deadliestofall [userpic]

When you said we'd head to a little bit of both, Peter, I didn't think you meant this.

Would anyone mind explaining where exactly I am?

Back September 2nd, 2014 Forward