June 2012



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May. 20th, 2012


Private to vessels/awakened gods )

May. 13th, 2012


WHO Pluto/milo & Proserpina/piper
WHEN 13 May 2012 | super late in the evening
WHERE Proserpina's new apartment
WHAT Pluto wants one night with his wife, just one night.

The doorman, as he came back with dirty knees and still clinging mud on his fingers, gave him a look but let him in )

May. 12th, 2012


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who: Reed/Neptune and Milo/Pluto
When: Saturday, May 12, 2012 | around 8pm
Where: Reed's lab at Columbia
What: a demonstration

Reed was a little nervous about leaving Ciaran alone )


Text to Pluto )

Apr. 13th, 2012


WHO Pluto/Milo Rankin & Proserpina/Piper Prescott
WHEN 13 April 2012 | dinner
WHERE some restaurant
WHAT pluto wants his wife back, he misses her

So he humbled himself enough to await her entrance and hopefully to whisk her away, first with dinner and then back home. )


Re-Delivered to Piper: )

Apr. 9th, 2012


WHO Pluto/Milo & Hades/Hayden
WHEN 9 April 2012 | noon-time
WHERE Hades apartment
WHAT the gods of the dead meet.

To say that he had been anxious for the meeting would have been a bit of an understatement. )

Apr. 8th, 2012


Piper: Delivery )

Apr. 6th, 2012


Piper: Delivery by the FTD )

Apr. 4th, 2012


WHO Pluto/Milo & Flora/Jenny
WHEN 4 April 2012 | dinnertime
WHERE Central Park
WHAT Having dinner with the other goddess of spring.

what made the most sense was to go where the flowers were; problem--there were a lot of flowers )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


WHO Pluto/Milo & Proserpina/Piper
WHEN 2 April 2012 | late evening
WHERE Milo's flat
WHAT Pluto and Proserpina meet again (and we'll see where it goes from there!)

Half his life had been watching her leave him for so many months he would never actively chose to be out of her company. )

Mar. 28th, 2012


Who Proserpina/Piper, Pluto/Milo
What: Beachy Times and plans for the futura
When: Wednesday, March 28
Where: Hawaii! Spring Break Right

This was how vacation should be )

Mar. 22nd, 2012


WHO Pluto/Milo & Proserpina/Piper
WHEN 22 March 2012 | after-dinner
WHERE Milo's Upper East Side Apartment
WHAT Dinner and studying and other things.

He had begun to get the layout of this new living place )

Mar. 20th, 2012


WHO Milo/Pluto & Piper/Proserpina
WHEN 20 March 2012 | afternoon
WHERE few places in the city
WHAT Milo is still trying to deal with this whole new development in his insanity when a spirit beckons him.

And who would want to sex up the old geezer anyway? If this was his imagination working overtime he hoped he would have made some December-Professor at least Sean Connery like )


Who: Jordan, Milo (Pluto) and eventually Dani.
When: Monday, mid afternoon.
Where: NY Pres.
What: Revelations, memories.
Rating: High for violent flashbacks and bad memories.

It took a lot time for us to find the words we'd mean )

Mar. 16th, 2012


WHO Jordan/Kurt & Milo
WHEN 15/16 March 2012 | the dead of night
WHERE NY Presbyterian, Jordan's room
WHAT time to finish the job.

Some idiot probably had a priest bless him, that always made him feel awkward, hated that mumbo-jumbo )
