June 2012



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May. 20th, 2012


Private to vessels/awakened gods )

May. 16th, 2012


WHO Freya/phoebe & Hnossa/j-s
WHEN 14 May 2012 | after this
WHERE Phoebe's apartment with her parents
WHAT Freya wants her daughter returned to her. Simple as that.

And unlike some of her other Pantheonial counterparts, it was not just a sexual love she reigned over )


Who: J-S/Hnossa and Oliver
What: J-S surprises Oliver
Where: Oliver's work and then moving on
When: Wednesday afternoon

J-S wasn't supposed to come over until after Oliver came home )

May. 13th, 2012


Who: J-S (Hnossa) and Rose (Lofn)
When: Sunday Early Afternoon
Where: Corner Coffee
What: A random(?) meeting of half-sisters occurs!

Excuse me, do I know you? )

Apr. 29th, 2012


Delivered to Hera and Zeus )

private to Hnossa )

private to Holt )

Apr. 21st, 2012


Odin, you have ONE new message )


Who: J-S/Hnossa and Holt/Bragi
What: Brother and sister are reunited
When: Friday morning
Where: Bragi's apartment

He needed a gift. And who didn't like cupcakes? )

Apr. 19th, 2012


Who: Oliver and J-S
What: Hanging out at Olivers, casually watching the news... Oh wait.
When: Backdated to Sunday.
Where: Oliver's apartment.

Apr. 17th, 2012


Private to the Norse Pantheon )

Apr. 12th, 2012


Hel, you have ONE new message )

Apr. 9th, 2012


Odin, you have ONE new message )

Apr. 8th, 2012


Who: Iounn/Zinny and Hnossa/J-S
What: Iounn and Hnossa go
Where: Starts at Central Park S. and 5th
When: Saturday at noon

She needed this more than Hnossa may have known. )

Apr. 4th, 2012


Who: Loki, Frigga, Hnossa, and Hel (Felix, Emmylee, J-S, and Kris)
What: Hel comes for her first family dinner
Where: Felix's penthouse
When: Wednesday evening

Loki was pacing through the living room, a glass of wine in his hand, looking between the clock on the wall and the window.  )

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Who: J-S (Hnossa) & Oliver
When: Sunday, noon
What: J-S has an upset goddess in him.
Where: Oliver's apartment

J-S never thought Hnossa could affect his own mood so much )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Oliver you have one new text )

Mar. 26th, 2012


Who: Oliver and J-S
What: Patching a few things up.
Where: Oliver's apartment.
When: Monday evening.

Mar. 19th, 2012


Who: Loki, Frigga and Hnossa
What: Frigga comes home from work and is tired, emotional, and is greeted by two very high individuals.
Where: Their apartment
When: Tuesday afternoon

She was not very amused at all. )


The Truth Comes Out

WHO: J-S (Hnossa) & Oliver
WHAT: Oliver sees J-S's new place, learns something interesting
WHERE: Felix Magnusson's Condo, 420 Central Park West
WHEN: Monday evening

Oliver was due to arrive in only a few minutes, and J-S was already terrified )

Mar. 14th, 2012


Who: Frigga, Loki, Hnossa and Kate
What: Frigga invites Kate over for brownies and discuss some options for Kate being her midwife.
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Their Park Avenue apartment

She nearly burned the first batch, her mind heavy with thoughts of Danielle still. )

Mar. 12th, 2012


Hnossa you have ONE new message. )

Loki you have ONE new message. )

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