June 2012



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Apr. 19th, 2012


Private to Awakened Gods )

Private to Awakened Egyptian Gods )

Apr. 9th, 2012



Text to Lucia and Saturday )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Who: Hades and Ma'at
What: Hades and Ma'at meet so he can show her his underworld.
Where: Woodlawn Cemetery
When: 11:30 am Sunday

Read More... )

Mar. 27th, 2012


Lucia; 1 New Text Message )

Lucia; 2 New Text Messages )

Lucia; 3 New Text Messages )

Mar. 26th, 2012


Lucia/Ma'at you have ONE new text message. )

Juniper you have ONE new text message. )

Mar. 24th, 2012


Lucia, One New Message )

Mar. 23rd, 2012


Text to Lucia )


Friday, March 23, 2012

I feel worse than if I had a hangover. Life just shit all over me.

Private: Lydia )

Private: Lucia )

Mar. 19th, 2012


Jeremiah; 1 New Text )

Duplicate Texts to Ana and Lucy )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Sam/Thoth, Lucia/Ma’at, and Imogen/Seshet
Where: Back room of the Museum, Egyptian Archives
When: Sunday Evening, after hours

Waking up the Wife because life wasn't complicated enough. )

Mar. 8th, 2012


Who: Reed and Lucia (Neptune and Ma'at)
When: Friday, March 9, 2012 | starting a little after 4pm
Where: Lucia's apartment
What: TV repair and some awkward conversation

It had been a few nights since Reed last saw Lucia, and that had been an emotional evening for him. She'd fallen asleep in his arms, drunken and maybe a bit depressed. It was clear to them then, just as it was now, that nothing could work between them. Reed wasn't sure at the time how long it would take him to move on. But now he had. He was still attracted to Lucia, still wanted to call her his friend, but his interest was in Lydia now. He wanted to see where things went with her.

So today's visit was strictly for the purpose of fixing Lucia's gran's TV and to maybe clear the air a little with Lucia. They needed some sort of resolution and closure so they could move forward as friends. He arrived at the apartment a little after four as they agreed and knocked lightly on the door. He had a bag filled with tools and some of the parts he'd found that he thought might help him fix the TV. It was mostly guessing on his part based on a quick inspection of it the night he'd been here and some research online. He hoped he could get it working to the grandmother's satisfaction.

Mar. 4th, 2012


Who: Reed and Lucia (Neptune and Ma'at are silent)
When: Sunday, March 4, 2012 | just after midnight
Where: eventually Lucia's apartment
What: text message leads to phone call leads to a visit

hey. are you awake? )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


Who: Imogen (Seshet) and Lucia (Ma'at)
Where: Starlight Diner.
When: Sunday lunchtime.
What: Another Egyptian run-in. Which Imogen is happily unaware of.

Mar. 1st, 2012


Who: Lucia and Melinda,[Ma'at and Isis]
When: March 2nd, Friday afternoon
Where: At the Hospital
What: Lucia comes to the hospital to pick up her grandmother's latest lab results and runs into Melinda.

She had to remember sometimes bad things happened to good people. But that was no reason to lose faith. )


WHO: Lucia & Reed (and probably Ma'at & Neptune as well)
WHEN: Wednesday, February 29 | evening
WHERE: his apartment (this is before he moves in with Lori)
RATING: not sure yet, will update!

Reed was totally out of sorts. He'd spent the rest of Tuesday at his apartment, mostly in bed, trying to sort through the insanity in his mind. Though there were times when Neptune insisted on taking over. Honestly, as much as Reed hated not being in control, he was too tired and scared to fight it. Neptune would step up to the plate and do as he pleased, which mostly consisted of eating, playing with modern technology, and playing with himself. That part really disturbed Reed. It was like getting a hand job from another dude. So not right.

Neptune wanted to leave, but Reed kept begging him to stay inside. The mortal simply didn't want to go anywhere until he got a better handle on this. Besides, Lucia was coming over tonight for dinner. Reed hoped she'd help him understand what was going on. She had a lot more answers than he did right now. Actually, Neptune and Reed both wanted to learn more from her. But the part that worried Reed was that knowledge wasn't the only thing Neptune wanted from Lucia. The thoughts that went through the men's shared mind disturbed Reed. He hoped that the anger he expressed internally made it abundantly clear that Neptune better not harm Lucia. If he did, Reed would get a fucking lobotomy to keep everyone safe. He didn't trust the god. Self-sacrifice might be the only way to protect the people Reed cared about.

Lucia messaged later in the day telling Reed not to worry about cooking, which was a good thing. He'd much rather drink and sleep, and he'd done a good deal of both. By the time Lucia arrived at his apartment, he was looking a bit rough. Great way to impress a woman. He opened the door and failed to muster a smile for her. "Hey."

Feb. 26th, 2012


Who: Hades and Ma'at [Hayden and Lucia]
What: He sits outside the city morgue and has a conversation with a ghost when someone happens upon him.
Where: Outside the lower Manhattan City Morgue
When: Sunday early evening

When I was alive... )


WHO: Lucia and Reed (Ma'at and Neptune)
WHEN: Sunday, February 26th, 2012 | mid morning
WHERE: random cafe
RATING: I'm sure they'll behave since it's in PUBLIC and they're strangers, lol

Reed was addicted to work, but every so often he forced himself to get away and actually experience the world outside of mechanical engineering. )

Feb. 25th, 2012


WHO: Lucia/Ma'at & Samuel/Thoth
WHEN: Saturday, February 26 | mid afternoon
WHERE: Starlight Diner

We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten. )
