December 11th, 2012

[info]beobscene in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Jean and Kay
What Aim chat
About His feelings for Kay and visa versa, Romeo, and the ending hit the shooting of Chess. Yes I said shooting of Chess. More to follow

Chess knows how I feel about you Jean )

[info]hopechess in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Kay and Chess
What More chat drama... Kay having Caim throw Chess on the street, what?

When did you become the selfish prick of the two of us? )

[info]venetianblinds in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Caim and Kay
What AIM dramazzzzzz

fucking throw him out on the street. I told him I wasn't getting involved anymore )

[info]beobscene in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Jean and Romeo
What Mostly Aim and couple tags but Jean rushes back to Chess practically as soon as he got there.

what happened? I thought you were the guy that filled his tour bus with my dandelions just to make him feel like that )

[info]unicorn_is_dead in [info]thegrand_ic

Who: Adrian & Andy
Where: Adrian's place
When: Wednesday
What: Andy picks up Adrian for dinner at Taj's
Warning: TBD, Andy-warnings, probably depressive thoughts

I'm on the edge of a cliff surpassing comfort and security, but here comes a gale, a crippling anger. Sea birds are blown into the rocks, grace is lost to thunder )