Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle



April 8th, 2011

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Private to the Rescue Team )

April 6th, 2011

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Heeeeey, so, sorry about the cameras. You know the girl who just got eliminated from Flames of Love on Sunday's episode? She totally just got busted with an assload of drugs with Bret Michaels (surprise surprise) and now everyone wants a quote from me.

Poor Tiffani, but at least she's got her fifteen minutes of fame.

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The lesson we learn here is to do laundry the day after doing something stupid

Johnny Storm )

April 3rd, 2011

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Well...I'm back.

EditSpecOps Members )

EditHarry )

March 31st, 2011

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Who: Maria Hill and Johnny Storm
When: 3/27 [Backdate to Sunday Night]
Where: A seedy bar near campus
What: Maria "copes" with "help" from Johnny.
No one could blame her for this )

March 25th, 2011

( public entry )

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March 23rd, 2011

Communication from Fury (sent Thursday evening)

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Jericho Team: Cain, Carol, Eddy, Felicia, John, Kevin, Maria, Marie, Natalia, Steve, Tom )

OOC: Your chars won't "see" this until Thursday night but I'm posting it now so you get a sense for what's going to happen with the plot and can start to plan amongst yourselves if you're so inclined before the thread goes live on Friday. Also so if you have questions, IC or OOC, you can ask them!

I divvied the plot up into five sub-threads based on specific tasks since huge action scenes with more than about four people all posting in line never go anywhere. I assigned chars to each based on powers. This way there are only two or three people on each task and it should be tighter and easier to write. However the job gets done is entirely up to whoever is writing in that sub-thread.

March 19th, 2011

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It's Saturday night, the Goblin's no longer terrorizing the area.

I know it's been rough, but I'm going out to that bar just off campus - anyone who wants to show up, I'm paying the tab. Drinks on me!

March 18th, 2011

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HFC. )

This humidity is awful. Though, I can't complain about the temperature. The 80s, how lovely.

I'm in a Dior mood today.

Maria Hill, would you like to come shopping with me? I'll even buy you a pretty little holster for one of your guns if you promise I can pick out at least one outfit for you.

March 15th, 2011

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If we could all forget about who isn't sleeping with who for a few minutes, we have an update on the Green Goblin situation. It seems that Peter Parker took it upon himself to fight the Goblin in Houston. Peter is lucky to have survived and, yes, even won his fight, but let us make this perfectly clear: we are not advocating vigilante justice from any of you. It is incredibly dangerous and unnecessary; if you want to fight bad guys, we have the ROTC. Again, we do not advocate following in Peter Parker's footsteps. He paid dearly for it and will be recovering for weeks at least. We ask that nobody aggravates him; to put this in perspective for you, though he did end the Green Goblin's terror, he's been stabbed, burned and beaten. We don't want this happening to anyone else for any reason, let alone bringing it on yourselves.

That said, what Peter did tonight was incredibly brave and should be commended. Not repeated, but commended. He saved the lives of Matt Murdock and Maya Lopez, whom the Goblin kidnapped on their way back from New York City, and I daresay the lives of countless others who would have died by the Goblin's hand before we could stop him.

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Now that all this is out of people's systems, can we move on to some more tasteful (and according to Scott, "less inflammatory") conversation?

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Dear University of Marvel, just to clear the air. People keep getting a peculiar notion that I have some kind of harem that I'm looking to add more women to all the time. So here's the story. I am not sleeping with the following women I have encountered or spoken to lately or noticed around campus lately.

Marie-Ange Colbert
Tabitha Smith
Maddy Barry
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill
Anna-Marie D'Ancanto
Lorna Dane
Jeanne-MarieAurora Beaubier (No, really. Never. Never will.)
Rahne Sinclair...besides, she's a wolf right now and that would be very odd
Nicolette Giroux
Kris Sylvan
Sam Parrington
Paige Guthrie
Maya Lopez
Natalia Romanova ("Not in a million years")
Mary-Jane Watson
Betty Ross

I think you get the point. For all those ladies not on this short and illustrative list, my apologies for not mentioning you by name. I'm sure you're very wonderful, but I am also not sleeping with you either nor am I attempting to do so.

C. Marko

March 13th, 2011

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Hey, dudes - check it out. You guys have been awesome this last week when it comes to helping out. And I'm sure you're all looking for a little distraction or something. Party? Yeah? I think we deserve a party.

Also a heads-up, didn't seem appropriate to mention before, like, now: 9PM tonight, VH1. The premiere of my dating show Flames of Love. Watch 25 supremely hot ladies battle for my affection. No, I'm not gonna tell you who won, but once the series airs I'll get all you guys tickets to the live reunion. :D!

March 7th, 2011

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This is definitely a new way to start off the week. The last time I heard bombs, I woke up fifty years later...

Where am I needed?

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This is effecting air travel. Almost all flights out of JFK have been delayed and/or canceled.

I'm going to be late arriving in Dubai by at least a day.

Does anyone consider this while attacking campuses and towns in the middle of no where? Of course not.

Exactly what did blowing up a campus succeed aside from hindering traffic, destroying buildings, and harming innocent civilians? Honestly, people call me selfish.

February 28th, 2011

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I've come to realize that I don't like country music. I don't like anything about it, and good gracious! What were people thinking with those cowboy boots? Granted, I wear cowboy boots, but they're not meant to be worn while riding horses and stepping in cow-pies. What would Christian Dior think?

The the only time I wish to see a snake skin is on my Chanel purse or my boots.

I think I just saw a tumbleweed.

Ah, well, it seems I've quite the impression on you, and while I don't really care about what you think about me, I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed that no one has really come up with anything new to say about me. You can call me a bitch, a snob, a stuck-up brat all you want, but let's be frank, I've heard that all before.

February 27th, 2011

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Maria )

February 24th, 2011

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My, isn't this a quaint little town?

Little is certainly an understatement. Judging by the width of the waistbands of half the people I saw on my drive from the airport, I would say the catch phrase "Everything is bigger in Texas" does not lie. I'm positive the source of obesity starts here.

Introductions are in order, I'm Emma Frost. Business and Finance major. CEO of Frost International

February 23rd, 2011

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I doubt anyone will have this, but I really need the notes from the Geomorphology and the Dynamic Earth lectures. I know the subjects are boring, but I'm in a bit of a bind at the moment and would really really appreciate any and all notes from those two lectures.

Also, to the students who I tutor in Earth Science, I'm sorry I've been a no-show recently. I really don't mean to not show up like that. I've been having trouble getting down from my ceiling most mornings and then during the day random things just stick to me. having trouble sleeping, and I really don't mean to be irresponsible.

At least I found my lap top, right? Yay for that... God, this sucks...
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