Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle


April 3rd, 2011

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Well...I'm back.

EditSpecOps Members )

EditHarry )

March 17th, 2011

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Lost some research in the classroom collapse. Spent the last week trying to recover & recreate the data. Easier said than done, will probably take another 2 weeks to move forward again.

New heart monitor has been ordered and is being shipped. Once that's done my self-imposed hiatus from Life will be over and I'll venture out of my room again. I thought putting a latch like a cat safety-collar would keep it from destruction, but that doesn't ward against me just flat-out losing it on a sandy beach. I don't feel comfortable without it; it's an advance warning before any effects take hold. It's all for your safety.

Betty )

March 14th, 2011

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Just pull the string.

Just pull the string.


February 24th, 2011

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My, isn't this a quaint little town?

Little is certainly an understatement. Judging by the width of the waistbands of half the people I saw on my drive from the airport, I would say the catch phrase "Everything is bigger in Texas" does not lie. I'm positive the source of obesity starts here.

Introductions are in order, I'm Emma Frost. Business and Finance major. CEO of Frost International

February 23rd, 2011

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All right. With the recent news media I think it's necessary for me to publicly address a few points. This is taking a lot for me to do this, so. Appreciate it.
• I suffered an accident at CalTech two years ago involving the detonation of a gamma-ray bomb - the practical purpose of which was to harness the chemical energy of the reaction as an alternative means of fuel. This was done in a massive containment facility on-site.
• There was a malfunction in the auto-lock that sealed off the containment chamber - at least, that's the official story, but I think the auto-lock was put in progress too early by another intern who wasn't paying attention. Door locked, I was sealed inside, with no way to reverse the lock for another twenty-four hours - time for the residual energy in the chamber to be contained and made safe.
• Explosion went off as planned with the exception that I was inside the chamber. Should have killed me. Didn't. Caused a transformation and after that I don't remember what happened - but know that the thing I became destroyed a massive part of CalTech and injured several people including my girlfriend.
• Have been on the run under the radar for two years, with only two other incidents of note occurring in remote areas of Arizona, Wyoming. No fatalities that I know of.
• Transformations to the "Hulk" - partial or full - are caused by spikes in adrenaline and heart rate from anger, fear, arousal, etc. Near-outbursts are common and able to be suppressed before full transformation occurs. Depends on the speed/strength of the onset of emotional change.
• I don't actually have a heart condition unless you count this as a heart condition. I wear the monitor on my wrist to keep watch on my pulse and avoid incidents.
• During an incident, I have no control over what happens. I don't remember it beyond vague ideas. I can't be stopped, reasoned with, or contained. For this reason I only observe powers training and don't participate. I have no desire to "learn to use my powers." I want them stopped.
• Don't be an asshole and attempt to cause an incident.

There. I'm done now, thank you.

February 15th, 2011

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In case anyone needed to know, Tony Stark has gonorrhea.

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Meggan )

Jamie and Betsy )

Harry )

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Jamie and Betsy )

February 12th, 2011

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If anyone saw the news - please understand that I have things under control.

Jen )

February 4th, 2011

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I'm not a big fan of philosophy, but my guardian enjoys pestering me with philosophical questions. Today he asked me one that has left me a bit puzzled:

How can it be determined that my experience of consciousness is the same as anyone else's experience of consciousness?

So, have a go, I all ready know that there is no right or wrong answer. Prove to me that you are not figments of my imagination.

February 1st, 2011

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Maybe I should give up business school and just train to become the new Stig, once one becomes needed.

Is there any decent car racing in the States? By decent I mean rallies, not stock car.

January 16th, 2011

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Meggan )

Jamie )

Betsy )

December 22nd, 2010

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It's HOT in Texas. I packed for actual December weather. Shit.

Feels weird coming here just a couple of days before Christmas but Dad's going to be off on a business trip in France for the holidays and guess who wasn't invited. So I'm settling in early. And I just had a turkey sandwich at your cafeteria. Look, I know that the people where who prepare the meals aren't paid that much and if I weren't paid much I might hate the world, too, and especially hate guys like me, and hate putting a lot of effort for very little pay, but come on. I asked for no tomatoes. No freaking tomatoes on my turkey sandwich. That's not hard. That's not hard. In fact, that's even less effort, because it's one less step. So minus ten points for you, cafeteria.

Other than that, seems like an OK campus. And it's far away from NYC and the press and I can just kick it like a normal college student. So, what's up? My name's Harry - business major, sophomore. Used to go to ESU, but rumor has it I have a bunch of friends here - I guess it's the trendy place to go now.

Pete, you here? Where are you living? Do we get to pick roommates because I want to be yours. How are you?

December 20th, 2010

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Well, I see that both my siblings have wasted no time making their mark here at university. They're my family and I love them both, but I apologize for whatever offense they've given people.

I'm Brian Braddock, and I'm here to study physics. Apparently I'll be rooming in Muir.

Jean-Paul )

December 19th, 2010

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My little sister has already made an impression, and so my work here is done.

I'll be living in Eisenhardt. James Braddock II. You more than likely may call me Jamie.

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I specifically requested a private room away from the disturbed lowerclass and homosexuals. I shall commandeer this one until I have more isolated quarters, but I expect this to be remedied as quickly as possible.
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