Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle



April 6th, 2011

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Tom )

April 5th, 2011

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April is full of interesting holidays.

For example, yesterday was Tell a Lie Day. The 11th is Barbershop Quartet Day. I really like the idea of International Moment of Laughter Day on the 14th and Penguin Day on the 25th. Penguins are adorable.

Our international students have Hug an Australian Day on the 26th. I know we have several Australians here.

With finals coming up National Stress Awareness Day on the 16th is very timely.

And on the 18th, we can appreciate the Bugle staff with Newspaper Columnists Day!

All the lovers have Kiss Your Mate Day on the 28th, so that would be a very good day for a nice date, even if it's not a weekend.

It's also National Sexual Assault Awareness Month which, as we saw last month from Take Back the Night and the arrest of the student who was dealing date rape drugs, is a very good thing to have on our minds and not just in April.

I hope it's a wonderful April for everyone. I'll be celebrating Passover later in the month and anyone who wants to join in is welcome!

April 3rd, 2011

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Well...I'm back.

EditSpecOps Members )

EditHarry )

April 1st, 2011

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Maddy )

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Special Ops )

Steve )

Marie )

Tom and John )

March 28th, 2011

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Eddy and Felicia )

Marie )

Tom )

March 24th, 2011

( locked entry )

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Weapons Team )

March 23rd, 2011

Communication from Fury (sent Thursday evening)

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Jericho Team: Cain, Carol, Eddy, Felicia, John, Kevin, Maria, Marie, Natalia, Steve, Tom )

OOC: Your chars won't "see" this until Thursday night but I'm posting it now so you get a sense for what's going to happen with the plot and can start to plan amongst yourselves if you're so inclined before the thread goes live on Friday. Also so if you have questions, IC or OOC, you can ask them!

I divvied the plot up into five sub-threads based on specific tasks since huge action scenes with more than about four people all posting in line never go anywhere. I assigned chars to each based on powers. This way there are only two or three people on each task and it should be tighter and easier to write. However the job gets done is entirely up to whoever is writing in that sub-thread.

March 19th, 2011

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I am glad to see that things have calmed down. However I cannot quite justify celebrating until people have had a chance to mourn their loves ones or until Galveston has had a chance to rebuild.

My heart goes out to Japan as well. Mother Nature can be cruel when she decides to be, yes. They are, without a doubt terrible tragedies.

I would like to help however I can in rebuilding the parks and plant life destroyed here however I can. I cannot make plants grow at an accelerated rate, but I can make sure they get the rain and sunlight they require.

March 17th, 2011

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Steve )

Marie )

Tom )

Musical Cast and Crew )

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Terry )

Sean )

Maddy )

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So tell me more about this St. Patrick's Day!

Kevin, MJ, and Betsy )

Kevin and Betsy )

March 15th, 2011

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Went on a three day drinking binge.

Fuck this shit.

Woke up this morning and I don't feel like fucking P. Diddy. Ke$ha, you lie! I feel like Amy Winehouse and Mackenzie Phillips and an eight ball shoved into the back pocket of a crack addict all rolled up into a fat blunt and smoked through Charlie Sheen's nose. Yeah, this is not a good feeling.

Someone turn off the sun. It's burning my eyes.

Also, I can't find my bra, again. It's black and lacy with orange ribbon. If you find it, please return it.


This is what I get for being bad while Sammy is away. :(

March 13th, 2011

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Tom )

March 8th, 2011

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Text to Maddy )

Backdated to yesterday 'cause Michelle spaz-failed

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Yes, I can turn into a big red thing. No, I really don't want to show you.

Bruce )

Marie )

Steve )

February 22nd, 2011

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So the entire "point" of Spring Break is to go to some beach somewhere and get totally wasted and use it as an excuse to do correspondingly wild stuff? Really, can't you just do that in town for a hell of a lot cheaper? We've got the beach right there.

Tom )

Shooting Team )

Marie )

February 19th, 2011

( public entry )

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Wow. Whoever stole that Star of India is going to make a fortune.

If they can sell it, that is.

February 16th, 2011

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Matt )

&EDIT: Tom )

February 15th, 2011

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Well, I hope everyone is proud of themselves. It would be a shame to see so much fuss being used on one "holiday" just to have regrets in the end.

Personally, I enjoyed watching everyone stumble in at the crack of dawn. 75% of you were either crying, laughing or puking. The other 25% barely made it through the door.

What's the next major holiday so I can start planning my schedule accordingly?
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