Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle



April 3rd, 2011

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Well...I'm back.

EditSpecOps Members )

EditHarry )

March 28th, 2011

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Tony )

March 7th, 2011

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I'm teleporting back to campus. Does anyone need transportation to or from?

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So I'm stuck in Malibu and can't get back, but...I wanna say, you guys back on campus are awesome. And Stark Industries is totally kicking in on the disaster relief. If there's anything I or my dad can do to help out, just tell me.

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This is effecting air travel. Almost all flights out of JFK have been delayed and/or canceled.

I'm going to be late arriving in Dubai by at least a day.

Does anyone consider this while attacking campuses and towns in the middle of no where? Of course not.

Exactly what did blowing up a campus succeed aside from hindering traffic, destroying buildings, and harming innocent civilians? Honestly, people call me selfish.

March 5th, 2011

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Heading to Malibu for Spring Break. Peace out, yo. Everybody have an awesome time and do something you'll grin about when you're forty and boring.

March 3rd, 2011

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I'm so sorry.

I didn't hurt anyone, did I?

I feel so bad.


Hi. What did I miss?

February 27th, 2011

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What is UP, U of M?!

Sorry to join the semester late, but I was wrapping up filming on Nerves of Steele - one of these days I'm going to finish up with college, but keeping up a busy schedule means taking a semester off here and there. But coming to Texas means I'm taking a little hiatus from all the New York hype and crazy and hunkering down with my studies. These good looks won't last forever, amirite? I could be like Sean Connery. Buuuuut I could be William Shatner. Either way, NASA's a-callin', and I've been putting them on hold for way too long. Time hit the home stretch.

And I gotta say, I love it so far. Nice warm weather, badass Texan charm, lacy panties hanging on my doorknob when I arrive. Southern hospitality, fuck yeah.

Moonbeam in Genosha )

February 25th, 2011

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why is everyone arguing about money and being rich or poor?

February 24th, 2011

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Are there any decent tailors in the nearby area? I find myself in need of alterations to all my coats.

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My, isn't this a quaint little town?

Little is certainly an understatement. Judging by the width of the waistbands of half the people I saw on my drive from the airport, I would say the catch phrase "Everything is bigger in Texas" does not lie. I'm positive the source of obesity starts here.

Introductions are in order, I'm Emma Frost. Business and Finance major. CEO of Frost International

February 23rd, 2011

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All right. With the recent news media I think it's necessary for me to publicly address a few points. This is taking a lot for me to do this, so. Appreciate it.
• I suffered an accident at CalTech two years ago involving the detonation of a gamma-ray bomb - the practical purpose of which was to harness the chemical energy of the reaction as an alternative means of fuel. This was done in a massive containment facility on-site.
• There was a malfunction in the auto-lock that sealed off the containment chamber - at least, that's the official story, but I think the auto-lock was put in progress too early by another intern who wasn't paying attention. Door locked, I was sealed inside, with no way to reverse the lock for another twenty-four hours - time for the residual energy in the chamber to be contained and made safe.
• Explosion went off as planned with the exception that I was inside the chamber. Should have killed me. Didn't. Caused a transformation and after that I don't remember what happened - but know that the thing I became destroyed a massive part of CalTech and injured several people including my girlfriend.
• Have been on the run under the radar for two years, with only two other incidents of note occurring in remote areas of Arizona, Wyoming. No fatalities that I know of.
• Transformations to the "Hulk" - partial or full - are caused by spikes in adrenaline and heart rate from anger, fear, arousal, etc. Near-outbursts are common and able to be suppressed before full transformation occurs. Depends on the speed/strength of the onset of emotional change.
• I don't actually have a heart condition unless you count this as a heart condition. I wear the monitor on my wrist to keep watch on my pulse and avoid incidents.
• During an incident, I have no control over what happens. I don't remember it beyond vague ideas. I can't be stopped, reasoned with, or contained. For this reason I only observe powers training and don't participate. I have no desire to "learn to use my powers." I want them stopped.
• Don't be an asshole and attempt to cause an incident.

There. I'm done now, thank you.

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Einstein has to be one of my favorite people. I wonder what it will take to become a female version of Einstein. Regardless, riddle me this:

There are 5 houses in 5 different colors. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage.

The question is: Who owns the fish?


The Brit lives in the red house.
The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
The Dane drinks tea.
The green house is on the left of the white house.
The green homeowner drinks coffee.
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
The man living in the center house drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
The man who keeps the horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
The owner who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.
The German smokes prince.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water.

Keep in mind, Einstein wrote this riddle during the early 19th century. He said 98% of the world could not solve it. If you can't get it, that's all right, 98% of people can't solve it either.

PS: I have an awesome pair of cowboy boots, and a new love for barbecue ribs. I think I can get used to this Texas lifestyle.

February 21st, 2011

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Harry )

Val )

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Flew into Texas this morning (just in time for the week of classes to start). I guess I'm going to be a little behind. Oh well

I sort of have powers, but not really. Because having them one time and then never again doesn't really count. So I don't know if they're going to throw me into a training group or not. If they do, I promise, I do bite.

Right. And I'm Mary Jane. MJ. Theater major. Live in Muir.

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Tony )

Peter )

February 20th, 2011

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I think Spring Break calls for Cancun. Possibly Tijuana. But half of you would get locked up, so I'm pulling for Cancun.

Peter )

Tabbilicious )

February 19th, 2011

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Is it just me, or do Professors prefer giving you more homework for the weekend? I get you have two free days to do it, but god damn. Weren't they students too once?

Also, Mariko, I missed our challenge because I literally passed out. Yet, I'm totally not in danger of doing that at this very moment, so if you'd like? I say raincheck. All you can eat buffet.

February 17th, 2011

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Tony Stark. )

February 16th, 2011

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More bizarre incidents in NYC. Either really weird freak accidents (elevator cables snapping) or outright terrorism (bombings) - and it's all happening to some of the most powerful businessmen in the city, or the scientists who work for them. Given that my dad is a businessman and a scientist, I'm freaking out. A few OsCorp employees have been killed in the last six months. I'm trying to convince Dad to take a vacation out to his island for a while but he's not in the mood. Businesses need to be run by people willing to get their hands dirty and running the company via cell phone isn't interesting him.

Though sometimes I'm wondering if I was sent here for my own safety. Stuff goes down in NYC, why not send me to Texas? So I'm here with a bunch of superpowered freaks (no offense) and I'm safer than I am in New York. I don't think anyone would target me - I don't make any important decisions or run anything. But I've seen a lot of movies and people love to go after the CEO's kid just to make a point.

Makes me feel a little better about being in Texas. Though I gotta say - you guys can do a chicken-fried steak to perfection but you suck balls at cappuccino.
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