Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle



April 8th, 2011

( filtered entry )

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Private to the Rescue Team )

April 6th, 2011

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Tom )

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Kitty/Cain (backdated from this past weekend )

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Does anyone else feel like they're just waiting for something bad to happen?

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Logan )

Steve and Cain )

April 1st, 2011

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Let's hope April's nice and quiet. It's about damn time that happened.

Either that or let's go ahead and take bets on the next calamity? I'm thinking random appearance of dinosaurs.

Marie )

Eddy )

March 27th, 2011

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So I heard some of you have Norse gods living in your heads too. I'm a poet and didn't even know it. I'm Parry, and I have the Valkyrie reading over my shoulder. My therapist tells me that I'm not insane, so I'll have to take her word for it.

March 23rd, 2011

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Such a shame to hear about the Starks. From what I know, they were very influential in New York and ran a thriving business.

March has been a difficult month all around, yes?

March 22nd, 2011

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Hey, so this happened.

Some frat boy decided to get in his car at five this morning after a night of hardcore drinking. I was out for my morning jog and crossing the street -- do you see where this is going?

Asshole slams into me going fifty.

His car's totaled and he's in fucking traction. Serves him right. He could have killed someone.

March 17th, 2011

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Steve )

Marie )

Tom )

Musical Cast and Crew )

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Lost some research in the classroom collapse. Spent the last week trying to recover & recreate the data. Easier said than done, will probably take another 2 weeks to move forward again.

New heart monitor has been ordered and is being shipped. Once that's done my self-imposed hiatus from Life will be over and I'll venture out of my room again. I thought putting a latch like a cat safety-collar would keep it from destruction, but that doesn't ward against me just flat-out losing it on a sandy beach. I don't feel comfortable without it; it's an advance warning before any effects take hold. It's all for your safety.

Betty )

March 15th, 2011

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If we could all forget about who isn't sleeping with who for a few minutes, we have an update on the Green Goblin situation. It seems that Peter Parker took it upon himself to fight the Goblin in Houston. Peter is lucky to have survived and, yes, even won his fight, but let us make this perfectly clear: we are not advocating vigilante justice from any of you. It is incredibly dangerous and unnecessary; if you want to fight bad guys, we have the ROTC. Again, we do not advocate following in Peter Parker's footsteps. He paid dearly for it and will be recovering for weeks at least. We ask that nobody aggravates him; to put this in perspective for you, though he did end the Green Goblin's terror, he's been stabbed, burned and beaten. We don't want this happening to anyone else for any reason, let alone bringing it on yourselves.

That said, what Peter did tonight was incredibly brave and should be commended. Not repeated, but commended. He saved the lives of Matt Murdock and Maya Lopez, whom the Goblin kidnapped on their way back from New York City, and I daresay the lives of countless others who would have died by the Goblin's hand before we could stop him.

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Dear University of Marvel, just to clear the air. People keep getting a peculiar notion that I have some kind of harem that I'm looking to add more women to all the time. So here's the story. I am not sleeping with the following women I have encountered or spoken to lately or noticed around campus lately.

Marie-Ange Colbert
Tabitha Smith
Maddy Barry
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill
Anna-Marie D'Ancanto
Lorna Dane
Jeanne-MarieAurora Beaubier (No, really. Never. Never will.)
Rahne Sinclair...besides, she's a wolf right now and that would be very odd
Nicolette Giroux
Kris Sylvan
Sam Parrington
Paige Guthrie
Maya Lopez
Natalia Romanova ("Not in a million years")
Mary-Jane Watson
Betty Ross

I think you get the point. For all those ladies not on this short and illustrative list, my apologies for not mentioning you by name. I'm sure you're very wonderful, but I am also not sleeping with you either nor am I attempting to do so.

C. Marko

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Fucking hell!

NEWSFLASH PEOPLE: I didn't fucking sleep with anyone last night. I might have been drunk, but I think I would have KNOWN if someone shoved their dick up me, okay?! I slept with someone. Especially in the morning.

Jesus H. Christ. Can we all get my love life out of your conversations?! I lost my bra that's all! Last time I drank too much it was found in the water fountain. HAVE YOU TRIED WEARING A FUCKING UNDER WIRE BRA WHILE STUMBLING IN A DRUNKEN STUPOR ACROSS CAMPUS?!


So stop giving me dirty looks all ready!


Day from Hell meet tequila. I'll be in my room. With my newly retrieved bra. You all can fuck off. I'm not JUDGING you and your antics, I don't need you all looking at me sideways because I get drunk and lose my BRA.

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Claudine )

& EDIT: Cain )
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