Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle


April 7th, 2011

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At least the weather is getting nicer. It's actually starting to look and feel like Spring.

I also have green tea and a good book.

Oh and the next meteor shower is April 21st, if anyone else is interested.

March 18th, 2011

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The good news? I stopped floating everywhere.

The bad news? I'm really tired.

I'm thinking of trying again this afternoon. When I say "trying again" I mean going back to bed, and waking up in the afternoon to try this day out all over again.

PS: A rock bed is sounding awfully nice right about now. This library is too quiet.

I also feel really bad about all these people going through hard times. Life is a real bitch, I guess.

March 15th, 2011

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I made tea this morning.

Everything was going great until I put salt in it instead of sugar. Who's brilliant plan was it to make sugar, sugar substitute, salt, and pepper packaging the same? Furthermore, who was the genius that decided they should all be displayed in the same container?

Yeah, to whoever was the genius of those decisions: Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Excuse me while I go meditate.

.... I'm feeling irritable today.

March 3rd, 2011

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I'm so sorry.

I didn't hurt anyone, did I?

I feel so bad.


Hi. What did I miss?

February 23rd, 2011

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I doubt anyone will have this, but I really need the notes from the Geomorphology and the Dynamic Earth lectures. I know the subjects are boring, but I'm in a bit of a bind at the moment and would really really appreciate any and all notes from those two lectures.

Also, to the students who I tutor in Earth Science, I'm sorry I've been a no-show recently. I really don't mean to not show up like that. I've been having trouble getting down from my ceiling most mornings and then during the day random things just stick to me. having trouble sleeping, and I really don't mean to be irresponsible.

At least I found my lap top, right? Yay for that... God, this sucks...

February 20th, 2011

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I'm pretty sure I was abducted last night.

February 15th, 2011

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Who the fuck put this pink shit on my door? What the fuck is wrong with you people? If it's not gone by the time I get back from class, someone is going to have a problem.

February 14th, 2011

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I found week old pink cupcakes and heart shaped cookies outside my door. Shows how long I've been stuck in this room.

Thank you to whoever left them, they're being used as a doorstop. I'm sure they were delicious when they were left there, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to enjoy them. It's the thought that counts, I guess.

On another note, Did anyone else notice a weird "shift" (I don't know any other way to put it) this morning? I was practically dropped on my head because of it.

February 8th, 2011

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This is a long shot, but does anyone out there have notes from Environmental Geochemistry? I missed class on account of the fact that I couldn't get down from the ceiling this morning... and I could really use the notes.

Also, a little side note - Did you know in the Greek world, Tuesday is considered an unlucky day? It was the day of the week of the Fall of Constantinople. The same is true in the Spanish-speaking world. For both Greeks and Spanish-speakers, the 13th of the month is considered unlucky if it falls on Tuesday, instead of Friday.

The way this Tuesday is going, I'm beginning to believe it.

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Meteorite my left foot.

February 5th, 2011

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Thank you all for making this first month rather pleasantly incident-free for Student Judicial. It would be lovely if this trend could continue.

Lorna )

Wanda )

Energy Manipulators/Projectors )

February 4th, 2011

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I've never drank so much damn energy drinks in my life, reading this horribly boring book. Last time I ever let some hot co-ed tell me 'read this, it's intellectual' to impress her. Where the fuck are the party girls at this place? Pardon my French.

February 3rd, 2011

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Does it strike anyone that the NCAA ruling on "no superhumans in sports" is unfairly applied? I mean, I can understand it in some cases. No disrespect meant to those of you that are superstrong, superagile, superfast, or can read minds, but stuff like that's a definite competitive advantage.

But for others our powers don't have any advantage in sports. Mine are even a disadvantage. And we're still banned.

Claudine )

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Nice big hot cup of green tea with natural cane sugar? Check.

Roaring fire in the fireplace? Half-check.

Roaring fire graphic on my laptop? Check.

Wishing the science labs opened early so I'm not stuck at the library? Check.

Also, hello. I was getting tired of reading about rock formations in oceanic trenches and decided to actually see what all the fuss is about these things.

I'm Lorna Dane, first year grad student. Is that how I'm supposed to introduce myself? Am I even supposed to be introducing myself? Whatever. I just did.
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