Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle


April 6th, 2011

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Bruce )

March 17th, 2011

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Lost some research in the classroom collapse. Spent the last week trying to recover & recreate the data. Easier said than done, will probably take another 2 weeks to move forward again.

New heart monitor has been ordered and is being shipped. Once that's done my self-imposed hiatus from Life will be over and I'll venture out of my room again. I thought putting a latch like a cat safety-collar would keep it from destruction, but that doesn't ward against me just flat-out losing it on a sandy beach. I don't feel comfortable without it; it's an advance warning before any effects take hold. It's all for your safety.

Betty )

March 7th, 2011

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February 25th, 2011

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Bruce )

February 16th, 2011

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I missed Valentine's Day! Not fair. Anyway, hi, Betty Ross, biology major. If you see some angry military guy yelling at Fury, ignore him; he should be shoving off soon. Dear old Dad isn't thrilled that I'm here, but he'll get over it eventually.

What's the best activity you guys have around here? I've been in physical therapy for what feels like forever and I want to run around or hit something.
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