Journal Comm for The Quadrangle

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Journal Comm for The Quadrangle


March 17th, 2011

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Xavier, Fury )

March 13th, 2011

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Thank you to all who stepped forward last week during the crisis. You've shown the world that this school, and its student body, are truly something to be proud of, and that your powers may be a formidable force for the good of all.

Thank you also to Reverend Stryker for his moving eulogy at Friday's memorial to the forty-six among us who were lost in the attack.

Classes will be cancelled on Monday and Tuesday to continue to allow heavy equipment for clean-up efforts free access. That particular corner of campus will be a fenced no-access zone until next year when completion of rebuilding is predicted. This is for your own safety and it will be enforced by Mr. Castle.

All foreign language, history, English, and literature courses are being relocated for the time being due to the destruction of classrooms in Haller and Masterson. For specifics, please see the list below:

[List of classes in the aforementioned subjects with new room assignments.]

December 11th, 2010

Professor X to Steve Rogers

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Steve Rogers )

December 10th, 2010

Message from Dr. Charles Xavier To Students

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((This message will be in your student's e-mail account whenever they move in.))

As Dean of Student Affairs I would like to welcome you all to this new school year, as well as a new chapter for the University of Marvel. It's an exciting time for our school as we open our doors to young students both human and superhuman, with the same goal: to help allow each and every one of you to reach your full potential both academically and personally. I look forward to taking this journey with all of you, and to seeing the progress and friendships that will grow during your time here at U of M. My door is always open to you.

Dr. Charles F. Xavier.

Superpowered Students )
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