Oct. 22nd, 2014


A walk in the garden

Who: Letha and Sin (Letha says this is ironic cause she is good at sinning)
When: Week 9: Sunday August 24th. I’d say about 3am-ish
Where: SdV House
Summary: Letha is enjoying the quiet, calm night of no rain in the gardens and thinking over the recent attacks and the break in of BTG
Warnings/Rating: Cleaner than a whistle.. okay, maybe language? Letha doesn’t curse but who knows about Sin haha
Status: Closed; In progress

When wasn't the world going mad? )

Sep. 9th, 2014


Who: Sin and Dahlia
When: Friday, Late Night
Where: SDV house
Summary: Sin tries to familiarize herself with SDV members
Warnings/Rating: Language, tba
Status: Ongoing, open after initial tags

Introductions were to be made... )