Oct. 2nd, 2014



Who: Alex and Conor, Declan, and rest of Pack Security
When: Tuesday August 19th - 12:00am
Where: N/A
Summary: Text Message
Warning: N/A

Info passed along )

Sep. 29th, 2014


The Aftermath

Who: Alex and Conor
When: Sunday Morning, August 17th just a little bit after the challenge
Where: Barking Irish
Summary: A challenge had been made and Conor had won to keep his right as Alpha. Alex is concerned and wants to see and talk to her mate
Warnings/Rating: Will update if needed
Status: Closed; Ongoing

Drama within the pack is over...for now anyway )

Sep. 8th, 2014


Sometimes, one needs a little help

Who: Andrew and Conor
When: Thursday Evening/August 7th
Where: Barking Irish
Summary: Conor has a murder to solve and is banging head against brick wall. Decided Supernatural Task Force needs Supernatural help… >.>
Warnings/Rating: Possible Language
Status: Closed/complete

Andrew believes the law is pretty black and white, but it's possible some lines need to be crossed in order to stop a killer )

Aug. 28th, 2014


Actions have consequences

Who: Alex and Tommy(kind of an NPC) and Conor
When: Sunday early morning Aug. 3rd
Where: The Barking Irish
Summary: Alex needs to get her belongings
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; ongoing

and consequences suck )


Who:Killian Doyle and Conor (Open to Alex)
When:Saturday August 2nd, Late evening
Where:The Barking Irish
Summary:Catching up and manly drinking

Nothing says hello like C4 and scotch! )

Aug. 11th, 2014


Stink of Death

Who: Alex O’Shay & Conor O'Sullivan
When: Thursday night/July 24thish ha!
Where: Out and about in Burlington
Summary: Alex is trolling the streets, trying to figure out what that Stink of Death is!
Status: complete
Warning: Foul language

Alex is finding that she has landed somewhere adjacent to hell )

Jul. 24th, 2014


To Raise the Dead

Characters: Ari, Richard, Conor, Jill’s zombie
When: Wednesday late night into pre-dawn Thursday
Location: the cemetery Jill was buried in
Warnings/Rating: Necromancy, animal death
Summary: Ari raises her first corpse in … well, a while … to get some answers
Status: Complete

Nerves didn’t begin to describe it )

Jul. 7th, 2014


Card Towers in McDs

Characters: Tris, Conor
When: Monday, late evening/after dark
Location: a local McDonald's
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Tris occupies a table while building a card tower
Status: Complete

In order, by suit )

Jun. 25th, 2014


To Her Own Devices

Characters: Corey, Conor
When: Monday, after dark
Location: the Barking Irish
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Corey wanders and listens for news
Status: Complete

Well ... )