Oct. 11th, 2014


A moment of quiet time

Who: Alex & Declan
When: Week 8: Thursday August 21st, afternoon
Where: Barking Irish Clubhouse
Summary: Alex is finding some time to reflect a little; a small entrance from Declan
Warnings/Rating: None
Status: Complete

When you find a moment of quiet, take it...you never know when the next moment will come )

Oct. 2nd, 2014



Who: Alex and Conor, Declan, and rest of Pack Security
When: Tuesday August 19th - 12:00am
Where: N/A
Summary: Text Message
Warning: N/A

Info passed along )

Sep. 29th, 2014


The Aftermath

Who: Alex and Conor
When: Sunday Morning, August 17th just a little bit after the challenge
Where: Barking Irish
Summary: A challenge had been made and Conor had won to keep his right as Alpha. Alex is concerned and wants to see and talk to her mate
Warnings/Rating: Will update if needed
Status: Closed; Ongoing

Drama within the pack is over...for now anyway )

Sep. 9th, 2014


The inner beast bellows

Who: Alex
When: Friday Morning, August 8th
Where: The Barking Irish
Summary: Full moon is on its way, some of the pack is restless, Alex decides to give them something to help distract them for a bit
Warnings/Rating: Clean
Status: Narrative (This can be changed if anyone is wanting to thread instead.)

It wasn't just the night of the full moon that Weres had to worry about, but the full days before is what woke the wolf within aching for release )

Sep. 2nd, 2014


Apologies + Food = Happy Wolves? One can only hope

Who: Alex
When: Monday August 4th starts off early morning, but goes throughout the whole day basically
Where: Barking Irish
Summary: Trying to make amends and get the pack to accept her
Warnings/Rating: None/all good
Status: Narrative/Closed

Apologies can seem weak, but when said with true meaning and straight from the heart...they mean something more and can make even the weak seem strong )

Aug. 28th, 2014


Actions have consequences

Who: Alex and Tommy(kind of an NPC) and Conor
When: Sunday early morning Aug. 3rd
Where: The Barking Irish
Summary: Alex needs to get her belongings
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; ongoing

and consequences suck )



Who: Alex and Liliana
When: Saturday August 2nd, Late evening after the debacle at The Barking Irish
Where: Alex is walking the streets at the moment
Summary: Alex is texting her new found friend and is hoping they are friends enough to allow a sleep over for a little while
Warnings/Rating: Clean.. It’s a text.. not a sext.
Status: Closed; ongoing

Text )


Who:Killian Doyle and Conor (Open to Alex)
When:Saturday August 2nd, Late evening
Where:The Barking Irish
Summary:Catching up and manly drinking

Nothing says hello like C4 and scotch! )

Aug. 22nd, 2014


A break down of sorts

Who: Alex
When: Wednesday July 30th after the zombie killing
Where: Barking Irish
Summary: Alex is having a break down of sorts
Warnings/Rating: Strong Language in some parts
Status: Narrative

((I don't know if I should apologize for the length or not.. but be warned, this is a long one for me and I hope it all makes sense))

From a high of killing zombies to a low of feeling unloved and unwanted )

Aug. 19th, 2014


Defunct the strings of cemetery things...

Who: Alex and Damon
When: Late, late Monday night July 28th possibly going into Tuesday morning
Where: Around about and within the cemetery
Summary: Alex is going zombie hunting…alone…until she runs into Damon
Warnings/Rating: Violence, blood, gore, zombie goo, language
Status: Ongoing

...with one flat foot on the devils wings )

Aug. 16th, 2014


Hell can't handle all of us, so get your bottles up

Who: Alex and Senka
When: July 22, late evening
Where: Seedy Bar #5
Summary: Two idiots walk into a bar.
Warnings/Rating: Drinking!
Status: In process

Drinkin' every drop until it all runs out )

Aug. 11th, 2014


Stink of Death

Who: Alex O’Shay & Conor O'Sullivan
When: Thursday night/July 24thish ha!
Where: Out and about in Burlington
Summary: Alex is trolling the streets, trying to figure out what that Stink of Death is!
Status: complete
Warning: Foul language

Alex is finding that she has landed somewhere adjacent to hell )

Aug. 6th, 2014


Time to wake up

Who:Liliana and open
When: Wednesday July 23rd - Early Morning
Where: Walking to a Coffee Shop
Summary: Blowing off some steam before work
Warnings: Swearing
Status: Complete

Tit for tat bloodsucker )

Aug. 4th, 2014


Fi... Fi... Fo... Fum...

Who: Alex O’Shay
When: Monday July 21st
Where: The streets of Burlington
Summary: She’s been tracking Conor. This is just a little bit to show that she’s followed him and trying to get herself ready to meet him face to face.
Warning: None
Status: Narrative

I smell the smell of an Irish hound... )