Jul. 15th, 2014


No Cause for Worry

Characters: Jaime, Richard, background!Eli
When: Saturday, after dark
Location: the Davies home
Warnings/Rating: Some language
Summary: Jaime isn't worried. Seriously.
Status: Narrative

Occupied Minds )

Jun. 27th, 2014


Which Witch was Which?

Characters: Jaime, Eli
When: Wednesday night
Location: her house
Warnings/Rating: some language
Summary: Jaime starts the new witch on the basics of magic
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

It was hard to find decent people )

Jun. 25th, 2014


Yer a wizard, Harry

Characters: Eli, Jaime
When: Monday afternoon
Location: a park near her house
Warnings/Rating: language
Summary: Jaime meets a witch who is unaware he’s a witch
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

... interesting ... )