Aug. 26th, 2014


oh, lord, heaven knows

Who: Ciara and Senka
When: August 1
Where: email
Summary: Somebody’s getting blackmailed. Senka steps in to save the day. Or something like that.
Warnings/Rating: R
Status: In process

we belong way down below )

Aug. 25th, 2014


In the mood for something new

Who: Ciara and Jacob
When: Thursday July 31st - Twilight
Where: Church Street Marketplace
Summary: DA wants to mix it up a bit
Warnings: Likely to be tame
Status: Open, Ongoing

Night brought on it’s purple cloak of velvet to the sky )

Aug. 22nd, 2014


Who: Ciara
When: Wednesday July 30th - Night
Where: The city/Outside of the city
Warnings: Vague Violence
Status: Narrative

Are You Afraid of the Dark? )