July 7th, 2014

[info]raise_the_dead in [info]the_obscured

Walking Among the Dead

Characters: Ariana
When: Monday, after dark but before midnight
Location: the graveyard near her house
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Ari walks a cemetery because reasons
Status: Narrative

And so I pictured us like corpses, lying side by side in pieces )

[info]jaimed in [info]the_obscured

Where She Had No Business Being

Characters: Jaime, Tommy
When: Monday night, 10 PM-ish
Location: the Barking Irish
Warnings/Rating: language likely
Summary: Jaime risks life and limb by venturing into a were-bar
Status: Complete

She doubted her father would approve )

[info]tristan_moore in [info]the_obscured

Card Towers in McDs

Characters: Tris, Conor
When: Monday, late evening/after dark
Location: a local McDonald's
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Tris occupies a table while building a card tower
Status: Complete

In order, by suit )