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[Dec. 7th, 2010|03:13 pm]

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Sandra is sitting on one of the couches scattered around the Sign, for once without her Hiding Cloak, with her legs curled up awkwardly and her arms wrapped around, as close as she can get to hugging her knees to her chest with her odd legs. In a quiet but echoing and other-worldly voice, she asks, "How long after something changes should you stop hiding it and try to accept it?"

She pauses a moment, then clarifies. "Not puberty or your dad re-marrying or something normal like that, but something that shouldn't have ever happened, and in theory should be able to be put right again."
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[Oct. 17th, 2010|10:08 pm]

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Zelgadis is boredly staring at the sign.

"Here's something. Who do you don't want to see here at the Nexus?"
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Social Question [Sep. 29th, 2010|05:32 pm]
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[Current Mood |curious]

Aion has been wandering the Nexus near the sign asking this question: "Who is the one person you would never expect to understand, and why?"
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A Question About Child Care... [Aug. 15th, 2010|01:38 am]
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[Current Mood |annoyed]

Florette tends not to ask very many questions. She's more of a quiet observer as she wanders the Nexus and occasionally very surreptitiously dusting the occasional Random Nexus Credenza. Right now she's looking ever so slightly harried as she stands near the the sign. Her hair is slightly frazzled, she seems ever so slightly out of breath.

A few yards away is something that looks like the cross between the best jungle gym ever and a cage made out of slightly glowing green glass. Inside are three children in tight fitting black clothes that cover every inch of them except for their faces, hands and feet, and over that, they're wearing ponchos. Two of the children are identical enough to be twins, and the third is a child with cat ears and a tail. The cat eared child is climbing, the twins are pretending to fight--while climbing.

"What are some good ways to keep three extremely active and destructive children occupied."

((OOC: Yes, if I was going to have one live PB I should have used live actors for all of them, but I am lazy.))
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Nexus, say hello to a palm tree. [Jul. 24th, 2010|07:14 pm]
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[Current Mood |determined]

A confused young man walks into the Nexus main area, looking slightly out of sorts. He looks around and sees the big sign, and thinks that's the last thing he wants to do- ask a question.

But it seems there isn't much choice, so he fumbles around in his brain for a minute and then smoothes back his long green hair, trying to appear poised.

"Have you ever, in your life, found yourself lower than you'd thought possible? If so, how did you survive?"
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Favorite quote? [Jul. 2nd, 2010|11:01 pm]

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There is a Catholic priest in the Nexus. He stands about 5'10" with short cropped brown hair and brown eyes of a peculiarly honey-toned shade. He studied the sign for a long moment, then finally turns to the people around the sign. "What is your favorite quote?" he asks in a thick German accent. "Mine comes from the Bible, from Ruth. 'Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.'"

((Yes, this is an Ed in disguise, no, your character doesn't get to recognize him. :P))
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Aion: Secret Drama Geek [Jul. 1st, 2010|03:25 pm]
[Current Mood |amused]

Aion is sitting in a decidedly thronelike leather wing back chair as he reads a book. His feet are propped up on a convenient nexus ottoman, and nearby is a very old, very battered transistor radio which is playing jazz. On the table nearby is a lamp and a bottle of brandy with a glass beside it. He sets the book down and picks up the glass of brandy. "What would you say was your best--or worst--entrance? Or exit for that matter."
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We're a Happy Family, We're a Happy Family/Ramones [Jun. 22nd, 2010|04:58 pm]
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[Current Mood |amused]

"Father's Day which was just a few days ago where I'm from is almost meaningless to me. Mother's Day is much more significant, but the reasons why would be disturbing," Aion says to no one in particular. He's standing in a park like area of the Nexus.

"So my question is--how do you feel about family? As a concept in general, or your family in specific."
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Amends to the dead [Apr. 13th, 2010|09:04 pm]

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There's a new Edward Elric in the Nexus. Yes, another one. This one stands about 5'10" and looks like he lost a lot of the muscle mass Edwards are known for. He looks outright average, actually.

He's sitting on one of the benches, legs tucked up to his chest, chewing on his lips before he speaks up quietly. "How do you go about making amends to the dead?"
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Two Questions about Opinions [Mar. 25th, 2010|05:10 pm]
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[Current Mood |amused]

Aion is standing by the Sign. Perched on the sign is a large bald eagle with eyes that are an unusual color--bright red. "Have you ever had a conversation where the other party expected you to immediately change your world view because they believed that their world view was the correct one?" This question might seem extremely slightly ironic to those who know Aion and some of his more stringent opinions.

"And for a second question, have you ever suspected that most of a subordinate's critiques of your behavior actually boils down to, 'Master needs to get laid'?"
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[Feb. 25th, 2010|10:33 pm]

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Elsa looks uncharacteristically contemplative. Her usual drink is missing from her hand and she's dressed a bit... well, it ain't party clothes she's wearing.

"How does one go about forgetting something?" she asks.
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Either Or [Jan. 8th, 2010|01:19 am]
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[Current Mood |amused]

Aion is looking very amused at the moment, standing not very far away from the sign. "Immovable object, or irresistible force? Both are indications that you are perhaps speaking to someone with strong feelings about something--but which would you identify with, someone determined to reach the goal, or the person who wishes to keep everything the way it was?"
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