June 2024



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Feb. 26th, 2024


Sunday afternoon

[In the middle of looking after Yasmine, Mona writes a message to the security team to let them know. Or, at least, it's supposed to be to the security team. In her heightened state, Mona misses that the post is actually completely public to the entire cirque.]

It was Iskander who murdered Patric! Patric's ghost was here and took over the new girl at the sweet shop Yasmine. I think he's gone now.

He said Iskander lives here in the city somewhere and blames the circus for things that have gone wrong for him. Iskander wanted to send a message by killing Patric but Patric didn't know if he will kill again or come back. He was scared he would. Patric didn't tell me anything else about Iskander or where he might be

I didn't know who else to tell!

Feb. 24th, 2024


Friday afternoon

I feel the change will soon be coming, as my tree groans and stretches in the Big Top when it awaits the move. It knows before I do, more a part of the circus now than a part of me. At times like these I always miss being able to be inside it most. As nice as it is to be with you all, I miss sleeping beneath the bark.

The shows have had a gap since Patric's passing, and I feel like the circus misses its gunslinger. I wonder if when we reach our new destination it will find itself someone to fill the space. The circus, I find, always gets what it needs.

I hope we can leave these dark memories behind, and find ourselves somewhere warm and loving.

Feb. 20th, 2024


To whoever's leaving little special bread treats all over thank you, I've had ten and I need this recipe mate.

This last stop's been real shit. Kinda looking forward to a change of scenery. What do we think, someplace tropical maybe? Wouldn't say no to a nice daquiri. Nothing takes your mind off unsolved murder like a daquiri, I always say.

Sorry. This is why I need the bread treats, see, keeps my mouth full to keep me off saying dumb shit.

Feb. 12th, 2024



Bonjour, mes amis.

I have come upon a necklace.

If it is yours please do let me know so I can return it. I found it by the front fence last Wednesday and forgot about it until now. I was very tired that day from the events in the morning with Patric.

Rosson Wilde

Feb. 5th, 2024


I love all the secret rooftop bars and hidden speakeasies. If you need a tour of the nightlife, I'm your girl.

Feb. 4th, 2024


Heiyan & Violette
Feb. 4th Night & Outside Cirque Grounds
Hei returns from a night flight

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