June 2024



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Apr. 6th, 2024


Saturday, soon after the move.

Please report any damages around the cirque to the roustabout team, and report directly to me for anything that needs replacements provided. That is replacements for cirque items. Personal replacements come out of your own money, though I will help you to source anything difficult.

Not a particularly pleasant arrival, but not even in the top 10 of bad moves. If it's your first time experiencing this, know that it is not a sign that anything is wrong but that it occasionally just happens. I hope no one was injured.

Doing okay, kiddo? The only thing that broke for me was the stain-glass you made when you were eleven. I'm impressed it survived thirteen years hanging in the window. Must have been some good workmanship.

Apr. 2nd, 2024


Tuesday, April 2nd; mid-morning

Who deals with the magic tied to our trailers? Mine is on the fritz. Door wouldn't open this morning and I almost became cremains. Instead I got a sunburn for the first time in about a century and I'm unhappy to report that it's still rubbish.

On the upside, the beds in the med tent are pretty good. A guy could get used to this orthopaedic memory foam.

Mar. 12th, 2024


Tuesday, early afternoon

I feel as though I might need witch etiquette classes before this party, though I suppose witches are less easy to offend than fae (and I didn't manage to make a fool of myself at the New Year's Eve party in Finland). At least, I hope I didn't. Even though I did sort of sneak off away from the party for a bit... I grew up on stories of Baba Yaga/Močiutė Jaga and that as queen of the witches she had to be approached with respect and sincerity. I know she's not actually real (probably??) but I think you can't go wrong if you approach everyone with those two ideals in mind.

Anyone want to join me tonight for a few hands of poker? Maybe in the dining tent or Delire?

Mar. 9th, 2024


after saturday night's show

Good news, darlings, we've all been invited to a party! The incomparable Mother Manjula Chaudhri, the leader of the witches of Telangana, has extended to us the following invitation... )

I do hope you'll all make plans to attend.


WHO Two unknown locals and Phineas
WHEN Saturday night
WHERE The midway
WHAT An introduction and an invitation
WARNINGS very likely nothing

The two women who entered the cirque didn’t look especially remarkable )

Mar. 7th, 2024


I want to go out and see the city but I am feeling apprehensive cautious.

I don’t exactly have the most menacing scary face.

I’m not sure where I would even go. The spirits here feel different, and I can’t understand what they’re saying.


I'm going to apologise in advance before I offend or upset anyone today.

I am feeling crabby as fuck so maybe just avoid me.

Or better yet I'll just keep to myself.

Mar. 3rd, 2024


so is it gonna be this hot the whole time we're here?

i think i might die.

Feb. 28th, 2024



still don't feel like we're moving soon to me, but i'm more than ready to get the fuck outta dodge here. i think that's most of us though no?

so what's some good stuff that's happened to you lately? big ups to whoever decided cheesecake brownies should be in the dining tent, they were a highlight.

psa: as long as the sun is out this afternoon i'll be in it. watch where you walk.

is the ghadira tank still full btw? no reason just curious

Feb. 26th, 2024


Sunday afternoon

[In the middle of looking after Yasmine, Mona writes a message to the security team to let them know. Or, at least, it's supposed to be to the security team. In her heightened state, Mona misses that the post is actually completely public to the entire cirque.]

It was Iskander who murdered Patric! Patric's ghost was here and took over the new girl at the sweet shop Yasmine. I think he's gone now.

He said Iskander lives here in the city somewhere and blames the circus for things that have gone wrong for him. Iskander wanted to send a message by killing Patric but Patric didn't know if he will kill again or come back. He was scared he would. Patric didn't tell me anything else about Iskander or where he might be

I didn't know who else to tell!

Feb. 21st, 2024


It's that time again — time to update everyone's headshots. Tell me when you're available. The sooner the better.

Feb. 12th, 2024



Bonjour, mes amis.

I have come upon a necklace.

If it is yours please do let me know so I can return it. I found it by the front fence last Wednesday and forgot about it until now. I was very tired that day from the events in the morning with Patric.

Rosson Wilde

Jan. 24th, 2024


Tuesday 23rd, Afternoon

حَوّامتي مُمْتِلئة بِأَنْقَلَيْس ن

I don't speak any Arabic (Moroccan or standard) but I'm excited to hear more of it while we're here! (I am getting the basics into my hand before opening night, as to have a jumping off point.) I read that they speak a lot of French here as well, so I think with the handful of languages I can cobble together, I'll be fine. It's a very touristy city.

I'm so delighted to be out of the cold! I put on some of my Greek holiday clothes today and just took a walk around, basking in the luxury of sun on my arms and legs. (Though I got catcalled more than I would like, so I think I need some clothes somewhere in the middle of the Greece----Finland scale.)

Has anyone got anything they're excited to see while we're here? I saw a website that told me about dawn hot air balloon rides across the countryside followed by quadbiking and now I want nothing more, but my bank account wants nothing less.

Jan. 8th, 2024


Scene: Ross & Phin - complete

Read more... )

Nov. 30th, 2023


Late Thursday night/Friday morning

Tonight I got handed a card inviting me to a rave. I was going to say I don't exactly look like the sort of person who goes to raves, but then remembered that maybe my work outfit might throw off people about me.

Did anyone else get invited to this thing?? If other people are going then maybe I should go since it seems like something I might find completely overwhelming and hate but how can I just make assumptions and get my rave on?

Nov. 26th, 2023


So. Basic kitchen tent regulations.

Don't sneak in silver.
Or iron.
Or anything an employee has listed as an allergy.
Or leave your corpses/avatars/puppets/etc lying around.

If I have to put it on a sign, I will, and you best believe I won't love tapping the sign when I think you're about to break the rules.

In better news, eating like the locals is important, so I hope you all like lamb, because we're getting a lot of it.

Newcomers, if you haven't already told me about your dietary preferences, come find me.

Nov. 24th, 2023


Friday afternoon, pre-opening

I get bored when most people go to sleep around here and the circus is quiet. You all sleep too much.

I decided to go walking around the city in a dog today. Small perspective, very short. I like a dog but they have no hands. Have good teeth though, and there's much screaming and bleeding when you use them.

Ran around a playground with children and they laughed when I used the slide. Dogs on slides is high comedy. I liked the children that smelled like dry leaves and grass, and best was the one that kept climbing to the very top of everything dangerously. Small but daring. Maybe joins the circus when they get big.

Got home to to find a stranger flapping about my body just because I left it in the kitchens and he thought it was a normal corpse. Impolite. My corpse is very well known so that's his mistake. Learn my corpse face better.

I left the dog body and I think it's running around the circus still.

Nov. 21st, 2023


How long does it take to recognize yourself in the mirror after changing one's hair color? The green is still very strange to me.

Nov. 20th, 2023


monday afternoon, nov. 20


Nov. 14th, 2023


Tuesday, mid-afternoon

Is there someone here who can go into town and pick a few things up for me? Without asking questions?

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