June 2024



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Apr. 20th, 2024


WHO: Mikhi & Hiroki
WHAT: Kitty cat revelations!
WHERE: Cirque grounds
WHEN: Saturday, April 20th; afternoon

To anyone watching, it would have appeared like something from a comedy sketch show. )

Apr. 19th, 2024


WHO: Mikhi & Emil
WHAT: Deliveries to the ailing!
WHERE: Emil's trailer
WHEN: [BACKDATED] Tuesday, April 16th; afternoon (shortly after Emil's post)

placeholder! )

Apr. 17th, 2024


April 17th - Noon

There was this movie called Fear that came out in
1996 - I was way too young when I
first got to watch it. But I
am watching it again now
and I forgot all about
the rollercoaster.

I feel claustrophobic.
Anyone want to go to
an onsen with me?

... )


To all the new people who haven't had their portraits taken message me here. We need to get that shit done.

Apr. 16th, 2024


Went out with Haneul and tried some amazing food. The whole night was great, plus she shared her fish shaped waffle thing filled with red beans, I think it was called...something yaki? It was really good. For a sweet thing, Phineas you may like one.

Still, with all the amazing food I've had while in Japan, I woke up craving ceviche so I think I'm going to go find a fresh market to find some fish, shrimp, and I think I want to grill some octopus. See if I can make my Abuelita proud.

Oh! Phineas, I'll grab you the waffle thing on my travels today! Hey, Niamh, want sugar coated fruit? I'll get you some sugar coated fruit.

Han, I'll put some ceviche and octopus aside for you! You too Ame!

If anyone else is in the mood for Mexican seafood or likes grilled octopus - there will be enough to share until there isn't.

...is it going to be cool if I build a firepit to grill? I'm going to build a firepit.

Apr. 15th, 2024


This has been the wildest introduction to the supernatural.

Um, hello. My name is Aedan. I am new. I don't know anyone here, really, so if I make a mistake or accidentally do something wrong, please let me know! I'm a quick learner. But, um, I'm resident donut boy! I like baking things. So. Feel free to stop by for some donuts!

Any advice for a newbie around these parts?

Apr. 8th, 2024


If anybody is interested, I'm arranging a party bus tour of the best bars and nightclubs in the local area.

Obviously, for a time when we aren't working.

Apr. 6th, 2024


April, 6th ๐Ÿ’“ 9:27AM

I feel so much better about life.
My feelings aren't flooding.
My body doesn't ache.
Hiro is huffy,
but home.


Sunday afternoon


Kanji are so beautiful to look at. I love visiting all these places with written languages completely foreign to me, but any time I've tried to learn a language outside of the Latin alphabet I have failed miserably. (I can say a few things in Japanese thanks to Ren, but don't ask me to read anything.)

But Yokohama! I'm already putting together my list of things to go into the city to see. I want to try all the food.

Your wish came true. You should join Oracle Alley maybe ;)

Does Hiroki seem pleased to be here?


Saturday, soon after the move.

Please report any damages around the cirque to the roustabout team, and report directly to me for anything that needs replacements provided. That is replacements for cirque items. Personal replacements come out of your own money, though I will help you to source anything difficult.

Not a particularly pleasant arrival, but not even in the top 10 of bad moves. If it's your first time experiencing this, know that it is not a sign that anything is wrong but that it occasionally just happens. I hope no one was injured.

Doing okay, kiddo? The only thing that broke for me was the stain-glass you made when you were eleven. I'm impressed it survived thirteen years hanging in the window. Must have been some good workmanship.

Apr. 5th, 2024


hours later.

At least we have a beach. You're allowed to collect shellfish there.

Mar. 31st, 2024


Sunday afternoon

I could say Happy Easter (and I have got all the chocolate eggs I could find, but it's certainly harder shopping for them here than in Europe) but maybe we should try to remember that today is also Oranges and Lemons Day. (Never forget that lemons died for our sins?)

Bets on our next move? I'll put down a handful of chocolate eggs that it's somewhere in the Americas.


Saturday evening, before opening

Hello to everyone reading this! I'm so excited to be joining you all here. I'm Radhika and I met so many of you at the recent party and you all seemed like so much fun that I couldn't resist signing up myself.

I'll be working in [here Radhika has to check the name again] Suadela as a dancer and I am overjoyed that I'll get to dance for a living instead of the boring jobs I could have done in Hyderabad.

Now, where do I get the best drinks? Who throws the best parties? Where do the funnest staff only things happen on site?

Mar. 29th, 2024


I had a good time at the party.

So good in fact that I woke up with a new number on my phone but the only information I have for who it is shows this as the name:


No text messages, no previous calls, and when I call it goes to a generic answering machine response.

All very mysterious.


WHO Radhika and Mikhi
WHEN Saturday afternoon (30th March)
WHERE eventually the dining tent
WHAT signing up for the time of her life!
WARNINGS references to drugs and sex

It had taken Radhika just a week to get everything in order )

Mar. 28th, 2024


This weather is doing ungodly things to my hair. I don't have the time or energy for this.


Best place to get candy? Go.

Mar. 23rd, 2024


Friday, March 22nd; mid-morning


1) Thank you.
2) I'm so sorry.

Please don't be m
So I might have gotten a bit dr

Mama? I hope you had a good time last night.

Mar. 12th, 2024


Nobody likes somebody not playing by the rules.

Am I sorry for putting your ass on the floor before dragging you out of here by your ear? No.

The only thing I'm sorry about is that during all of that?

You tore my favourite shirt.

Mar. 9th, 2024


after saturday night's show

Good news, darlings, we've all been invited to a party! The incomparable Mother Manjula Chaudhri, the leader of the witches of Telangana, has extended to us the following invitation... )

I do hope you'll all make plans to attend.

Mar. 4th, 2024


Monday morning

Would anyone like honey or honeycomb? My bees have been prolific over our time in Marrakesh and there's more than even I can eat. Since the moment I told them of Patric's death they have been working so hard for me, my little friends.

I will be interested to see what flavors this new city imparts on their product while we are here.

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