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Apr. 20th, 2024


WHO: Kit & Isaac
WHAT: Dinner time doesn't go according to plan~
WHERE: Cirque grounds
WHEN: April 19th, early morning (approx. 2AM)
WARNINGS: HIGH (feeding on a willing party, feeding on an unwilling patron, language, mentions of sex)

What the fuck was going on? )

Apr. 17th, 2024


To all the new people who haven't had their portraits taken message me here. We need to get that shit done.

Apr. 16th, 2024


In the interest of trying to keep myself out of trouble...

Send me three names + a number and I will tell you:
  1. fuck, marry, kill
  2. marry, cuddle, sleep with
  3. fuck, take a bullet for, murder
  4. adopt, be adopted by, marry
  5. kill, betray, have on your zombie apocalypse team
  6. seduce, steal from, serenade
Want to hit up the Minato Mirai Manyo Club Hot Spring with me?

Apr. 12th, 2024


WHO Mona & Kit
WHEN so very backdated: Wednesday, 13th March
WHERE Mona’s trailer
WHAT Mona decides to stop comparing herself to every hotter woman at cirque and jump Kit already
WARNINGS it's literally all sex. [complete]

there will be no sign from above: you’ll only hear the knock knock knock of your own heart as signal.  )

Apr. 8th, 2024


If anybody is interested, I'm arranging a party bus tour of the best bars and nightclubs in the local area.

Obviously, for a time when we aren't working.

Apr. 6th, 2024


Do you know how pissed off I would have been if I had to travel by normal means, getting to India and then realizing that I had to go to Japan instead? Flights are expensive. And long. And the food is just never what it ought to be, even if I'm flying first class.

Hello again, Cirque. Elia's home.


April, 6th 💓 9:27AM

I feel so much better about life.
My feelings aren't flooding.
My body doesn't ache.
Hiro is huffy,
but home.


Sunday afternoon


Kanji are so beautiful to look at. I love visiting all these places with written languages completely foreign to me, but any time I've tried to learn a language outside of the Latin alphabet I have failed miserably. (I can say a few things in Japanese thanks to Ren, but don't ask me to read anything.)

But Yokohama! I'm already putting together my list of things to go into the city to see. I want to try all the food.

Your wish came true. You should join Oracle Alley maybe ;)

Does Hiroki seem pleased to be here?

Apr. 5th, 2024


What the hell was that?

Apr. 3rd, 2024


WHO Mona & Kit
WHEN Tuesday afternoon
WHERE the First Aid Station
WHAT I heard you tried adding something new to your act.
WARNINGS talk of potential immolation?

Determined to keep Kit whatever company he wanted )

Apr. 2nd, 2024


Tuesday, April 2nd; mid-morning

Who deals with the magic tied to our trailers? Mine is on the fritz. Door wouldn't open this morning and I almost became cremains. Instead I got a sunburn for the first time in about a century and I'm unhappy to report that it's still rubbish.

On the upside, the beds in the med tent are pretty good. A guy could get used to this orthopaedic memory foam.

Mar. 31st, 2024


Sunday afternoon

I could say Happy Easter (and I have got all the chocolate eggs I could find, but it's certainly harder shopping for them here than in Europe) but maybe we should try to remember that today is also Oranges and Lemons Day. (Never forget that lemons died for our sins?)

Bets on our next move? I'll put down a handful of chocolate eggs that it's somewhere in the Americas.

Mar. 29th, 2024


I had a good time at the party.

So good in fact that I woke up with a new number on my phone but the only information I have for who it is shows this as the name:


No text messages, no previous calls, and when I call it goes to a generic answering machine response.

All very mysterious.

Mar. 16th, 2024


Friday, just after closing

I found this after my show last night.

image )

Is someone trying to trap my soul? Ha! I've already put it into it's own body! Witches can't do the voodoo on me if I do the voodoo on myself. Voodoo hoodoo you do

Who wants to be my date to this big witch party? I need to find out which one is trying to curse me, the idiot witchies and I need to look sexy in something with my tits all on display.

Mar. 9th, 2024


after saturday night's show

Good news, darlings, we've all been invited to a party! The incomparable Mother Manjula Chaudhri, the leader of the witches of Telangana, has extended to us the following invitation... )

I do hope you'll all make plans to attend.

Mar. 7th, 2024


Thursday (around 4am)

I am so unfamiliar with the local language of Telugu that the writing looks like wingdings to me but... నా విమానము అంతా మలుగు చేపలతో నిండిపోయింది

What a wonderful city! Kit and I went out to the spice markets on the first night here and the sheer number of smells and sights! I have so many tea ideas.

I had so much fun in the amusement park next door with the little group that went. This slide felt like something that we should have, and I loved the pirate ship ride.

I'm so excited for our first night open tomorrow! The gardens next door close at 9pm, so I feel like we might get even more people than usual who just want to carry on their night.

[OOC: Feel free to say you were part of the afternoon/evening group that went to the NTR gardens, it would have been a casual spur of the moment trip.]

Mar. 4th, 2024


Monday morning

Would anyone like honey or honeycomb? My bees have been prolific over our time in Marrakesh and there's more than even I can eat. Since the moment I told them of Patric's death they have been working so hard for me, my little friends.

I will be interested to see what flavors this new city imparts on their product while we are here.

Mar. 3rd, 2024


So to kind of honour our newest location I will for our time here be making up several different cocktails to serve to all those willing to try something new.
  • Indian Vodka Mojito - So as most of you know a traditional mojito is made of white rum, lime juice, sugar, club soda, and mint, but in this variation jal jeera is thrown into the mix. It’s a spice blend of roasted cumin, black pepper, dried mango powder, cayenne, ginger, and mint.

  • Tamarind Ginger Margarita - In this version of the classic margarita, a combination of tamarind concentrate and ginger simple syrup is added to tequila, triple sec, and lime juice.

  • Boozy Mango Lassi - A mango lassi is a great beverage full of complex flavors. The blend of mangoes, yogurt, buttermilk, kaffir lime syrup, and lime juice gives it such an interesting taste. Blend in some rum to the mix and you’ll get the perfect boozy drink to beat the summer heat.

  • Nimbu Pani Mint Julep - Think of the nimbu pani as a crossover between a margarita and a mint julep. It has bourbon, mint leaves, simple sugar, lime, and seltzer water. Besides sugar and water, it also contains black Indian salt, which gives it a touch of saltiness.

  • Indian Gin Cocktail - It’s a blend of lime juice, cinnamon syrup, apple juice, nutmeg, and Jaisalmer – a brand of Indian gin which is flavoured with eleven botanicals, including orange and lemon peel, Darjeeling green tea leaves, and lemongrass.
Any volunteers to be my guinea pigs while I perfect these?


Sunday, March 3rd; pre-dawn

Well, that's that then.

There's some kind of Buddha statue over there lit up in the middle of the water and it's bloody baking, so I'm guessing we're somewhere in Asia? There's a lot going on in the air, too many scents at once. It's a bit of a headache really, but probably I just need to go to bed.

Do your researching when you find out where we are and decide where you'd like me to take you. No interruptions this time, promise.

Can I ask you something? Fair warning, I'm going to ask anyway but I want to break you in gently first.

Feb. 12th, 2024



Bonjour, mes amis.

I have come upon a necklace.

If it is yours please do let me know so I can return it. I found it by the front fence last Wednesday and forgot about it until now. I was very tired that day from the events in the morning with Patric.

Rosson Wilde

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